Chapter 32

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*Caitlin's POV*

I woke up to people shouting. I opened my eyes and people were climbing out of a small hole in the ceiling. I was one of the last few people in the basement. I watched as Emma passed her baby up and then climbed up herself. I stood up and walked towards the light. The man in front of me insisted I went first. I stood below the hole and a firefighter stretched out his arms towards me. I grabbed them and he hoisted me up. Instead of being lifted into a house I was lifted out on the street. I looked behind me and the whole house had been completely destroyed. My stomach dropped as I thought I could of died if it collapsed down into the basement. I turned back to look at the street and it was like a war zone. Tree's had been blown into the middle of the street, cars were turned over, houses

were damaged or had fallen to the ground.

Ambulances, fire engines and police cars surround the street too. Many injured people were being guided to a paramedic screaming in pain. Others were crying or frantically looking around for their loved ones.

My heart started to beat fast. I ran towards the Lynch's house and stopped dead in my tracks. Half of the house had completely gone. I ran towards the house but a policemen stopped me.

"You can't go in there!" He demanded as he held me back. I pushed and screamed trying to get past him.

"My family! Their in there!" I cried using all my strength to try and get past him.

"Their still searching for bodies" He said with a straight face and pushed me back. I broke down and fell to my knees. They can't be dead. They just can't. The only people I've ever known to accept me and love me could be gone. I'd be on my own again. I finally got Ross back and now I could lose him. Forever.

I cried for what felt like forever until I felt a hand on my shoulder. I looked up and blinked away my tears. I gasped and jumped into the tall blonde boys arms. He held me tight and I cried into his shoulder.

"Thank God you're okay!" Riker sighed squeezing me tighter.

"!" I said between sobs. Riker rubbed my back and carried me away from the destroyed house. He carried me for a few minutes and I finally looked up to see the Lynch's sat on the side of the road getting checked by paramedics. My heart leaped and I jumped out of Riker's arms and ran toward them.

I don't know who I crashed into first but soon we were all huddled together, some crying. I looked up and saw all the familiar faces.

Except for one.

"Where's Ross?" I asked panicking.

Stormie started crying and Mark pulled her into his chest. The rest of his siblings looked at the ground and my heart fell into my stomach.

"Where's Ross?" I asked more sternly.

"We don't know. When he noticed you weren't in the house he went to look for you. Then the tornado hit...." Ryland trailed off. I heard Rydel start crying next to me and Riker and Rocky were comforting Maddy and Rachel.

I struggled to breathe as tears fell down my cheeks. "He's okay though isn't he?" I cried. "He has to be?"

"We don't know" Rocky sighed. I started hysterically crying at that point. Stormie grabbed me and pulled close and I sobbed into her shoulder. I had no idea if my boyfriend was dead or alive. If I didn't leave the house he wouldn't of gone looking for me. We would all be together.

"Over here!!" A firefighter called out. I whipped my head up and saw many men surrounding one spot around a destroyed house. After a few minutes a firefighter came back with a boy over his shoulder. I ran closer to see it was Ross. The firefighter placed him down on the ground and I knelt beside him. His bright blonde hair was now dull and grey from the dust and rubble. He had a cut on his forehead and lip, the rest of his face was bruised.

"Is he okay?" I asked frantically. The firefighter ushered over a paramedics who checked Ross all over. The paramedic nodded and I smiled slightly. I shook Ross lightly and his eyes opened slowly.

"Caitlin?" His voice was raspy and he started to cough. I helped him sit up and once he was okay I held his face in my hands.

"I thought I'd lost you" I whispered as tears filled my eyes. Ross pulled me close to him and held me tightly.

"I can't live without you. I thought you were gone." He tried to speak. I shook my head. "You didn't, now stop talking." He commanded and he nodded his head.

"But first I have to do this" He whispered and he caught my lips in a kiss. I kissed him back passionately. Even after everything that had happened and what was going on around us, it still felt like me and Ross were the only two people on earth.

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