Chapter 16

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*Ross's POV*

I woke up the next morning. I had to let my eyes adjust and realised I was back in my room. After being on a tour bus and staying in hotels for so long it was weird to wake up in my own bed. I started to try and sit myself up until I noticed Caitlin head was on my chest. I leaned back down and stared at my girlfriend lying down next to me. Her blonde hair was all over the place she she was snoring really quietly. I began to trace my finger up and down her arm that was across my chest. Caitlin shifted slightly and lifted her head and gave me a lazy smile. "Morning" She said quietly and rested her head back on my chest. I brushed all her hair away from her face and she looked up at me again. "What time is it?"

"10:00 I think"

Caitlin's eyes widened and she sat up. "10:00? You mean I actually slept for over ten hours?"
I nodded and a huge grin spread across her face. "I haven't slept that long in years!" She fell back down next to me and I turned onto my stomach and propped myself up on my elbows. "Well done baby". She smiled and I wrapped my arms around her and nuzzled my head into her neck. Caitlin laughed and started playing with my hair, "Isn't this supposed to be the other way round?"

"Yeah but this way's better"

"I don't like it"

"Why not?"

"Cause I like being cuddled"

I laughed and flipped over so I was hugging her. "Better?"
"Much!" She said happily.

We laid there for a while. Talking and laughing. Until I heard Mom shout from downstairs. I left the room so Caitlin could get showered and changed. I made my way downstairs and joined my parents and siblings. Just as I was about to eat my French toast the doorbell went. Riker got up and answered it. I heard some mumbling but I couldn't make out a conversation. Riker re-entered the room and he didn't look good. "Who is it?" I asked. "It's someone for Caitlin"
What? Who would be here for Caitlin? No one knew she was here except for the people living in the house. How would anyone find her? I got down from my seat and walked to the door. A middle aged man stood there with his arms crossed. How did Caitlin know this guy? "Can I help you?" I asked.

"I'm looking for Caitlin"

"I know. How do you know her?"

"How do you know her?" He asked coldly.

"I'm her boyfriend. Now how do you know Caitlin?"

"I guess you could say I'm her 'Step Uncle" He laughed evilly. A lady stepped out from the car in a tight business suit with her hair pinned up and a cigarette hanging from her lips. Which I'm guessing is her aunt. From the way Caitlin has described her to me. "Will you just grab the brat so we can go?" She glared. Just then Caitlin was behind me. "W-What are you doing here?" The man stepped forward and Caitlin instantly grabbed my arm. She was frightened. "Come on, we're going" Her aunt let the cigarette fall from her mouth and she stamped on it. "I'm not going with you"

"Don't start! Just get in the car. I packed all your crap since you weren't around to do it yourself. Now hurry up"
Her aunt glared. Caitlin was right, she wasn't a good women.

"She's not going anywhere. She's staying right her" My dad walked past me and Caitlin and stepped in front of us.

"I think you might be mistaken. She's mine. I own her and if I say she has to go she will do what I say!"

"I'm not yours anymore. You lost yours rights to me when I turned 17. That's what was put in my parents will. I get to decided what happens. And I don't want to live with you anymore." Caitlin stepped out in front of me. She was sticking up for herself. I grabbed her hand and she turn around and smiled at me. I wasn't going to let anything bad happen to her.

"Your parents will? That means nothing anymore! I've had to put up with for all these years! So you do what I tell you to!" Anger flashed in her aunts eyes. The man, her boyfriend I guessed tried to grab Caitlin's arm but Riker stopped him.

"Where are you going to go eh? You don't have any other family! You have no family! So get in the car now!" She basically screamed.

"She does have family." Riker put his arm over Caitlin's shoulder. "We're her family". Riker looked at me and I nodded. My other siblings joined us outside and stood beside us. "Rocky and Ryland will you grab Caitlin's things from her aunts car?" My dad asked not taking his eyes off the man and women stood in front of him. Rocky and Ryland grabbed a few bags and boxes from the car. "She's not your concern anymore. We're taking care of her now." My Mom said as she joined my Dad. Her aunt stood there with her mouth open in shock for a few moments before storming to her car with her boyfriend trailing behind and speeding off down the street.

We all stood in silence for a minute and we all turned around and Caitlin had tears falling down her cheeks. I pulled her into a hug. "Hey what's wrong?".
"Everything you guys said. Did you mean it?"

"Of course we did sweetheart!" My mom pulled my girlfriend away from me and hugged her. "We all love you"

We made our way back into the house but I pulled Caitlin in the empty kitchen. "What are you doing?" She asked. "This" I pulled her close to me and brushed my lips over hers. She wrapped her arms around my neck. Fireworks shot through my body when our lips met again. I felt Caitlin smile into the kiss and I put my hands on her cheeks as she pulled away. "I love you, so much"

"I love you too" She smiled.

My Confession (Ross Lynch Fan Fiction)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz