Chapter 30

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*Caitlin's POV*

After watching the movie and having a couple more interviews the premiere was finally over. I was so proud of Ross. Everything he had achieved so far was incredible. At 20 years old as well.

Me and Ross took a different car to the others and we headed to the direction of the beach. I didn't even have to ask why. It was Ross all over. After all this business with interviews and cameras, I know he likes to go to the beach or somewhere calm and think about everything.

The car pulled over and Ross helped me out. Once we reached the sand i slipped of my heels and let it caresses my feet. We walked in silence away from the public to find a quieter spot. We didn't talk we just walked together. Sometimes this is what I loved when I was with Ross. Not saying a word, just being together, feeling safe. Knowing I loved him and he loved me.

"What are you smiling about?" Ross asked as he sat down. I sat down beside him and looked at him. Ross had taken off his tie and unbuttoned his shirt a bit. He'd already messed up his hair that Stormie spent a good 30 minutes on today.

"Just that everything is perfect" I replied and looked out to the ocean. The moon was bright tonight. It lit up all the surroundings. I saw Ross smile from the corner of my eye. I turned to look at him. I nodded and he pulled me close to him. I shivered a little and without saying a word he whipped off his jacket and put it over my shoulders.

"Thank you" I said quietly. He pulled me closer to his chest and kissed my the top of my head. "Anything for you" He whispered. We sat there for a few moments. I listened to the waves and the distant sound of people laughing and having a good time.

"I've got something for you" He smiled and leaned over me to get something out of his jacket pocket. Ross pulled out a white envelope with my name on the front. I looked up at him and he gestured towards the envelope. I slowly opened it. A million things going through my mind wondering what it could be.

I pulled out two plane tickets. I looked the the writing carefully.


My eyes widened. I looked to Ross then back at the tickets.

"Cyrpus?!" Ross just nodded and smiled. We were going on a vacation! I threw myself onto him hugging him tightly. We fell backwards into the sand and my lips brushed over his. Tingles shot through me as Ross captured my lips in a deep kiss. I pulled away and he pouted.

"I love you" I whispered and smashed my lips onto his again. Just as our his was getting heated I pulled away again.

"Stop doing that!" Ross whined. I sat up and pushed him. "When are we leaving?" I asked.

"Oh, yeah....about that" He started an I raised my eyebrow. He smiled sweetly and sat back up so he was looking at me face to face.


"What?!" I screamed. He smiled sweetly and pulled me close to him again. "Don't worry. Rydel and Mom are already packing your things as we speak"

"Do you know how amazing you are?"

Ross smiled big. "I know I do try"

"Come on, let's go" I stood up but Ross quickly picked me up bridal strudel and walked up the beach. "You are a special one Mr Lynch"

"I know" He winked

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