Day of the final

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So this is the end of the book, but don't worry there will be other Nalu fanfics. :)

///Hinora's P.O.V/// 

It's been about two weeks since the match. The doctor cleared me, Natsu and Lucy are dating, and as for Lisanna she transferred schools; something do with about I will never win him back or something like that. I was cleaning up my office and getting ready for the summer and for my two favorite people to leave high school and go onto college. Trying really hard to keep it together. 

After cleaning my office my renowned husband came in with tissues. "I know that when you see him and her go you will lose it", he said with a smile. I walk over to him and punch him in the arm.  "Yeah right". We met Lucy and Natsu at the airport and all the other groups of families or friends. I gave Natsu a hug and said, "I can't believe they made you graduate early, and I thought I was dense in the family. Anyway, have fun in France and look after her okay"? Natsu said, "I will and stay happy HinI'll be back don't worry". I nod and still hold him tight. "Flight 1106 from Tokyo, Japan to Paris, France now boarding", said the lady airliner. I let go and see Natsu take Lucy's hand and kiss it. Again take about P.D.A. 

///Lucy's P.O.V///

While boarding I saw Natsu take my hand it kiss it softly. I can't believe me the biggest nerd who graduated with all honors is dating the player, but in all aspects he really isn't a player he's more of a sweet guy with emotions.I mean look what happened two weeks ago dealing with all this crap. ***"Well,well,well if it isn't my favorite guy and this chick, why are you hanging around m man". I got up and said, "Lisanna please can't you see I'm trying to eat my lunch in silence with my boyfriend, you know him right Natsu Dragneel". She was about to say something till Natsu put his arm around my shoulder and kissed my cheek. I guess some girls can't let there man go. *** Natsu sat by me on the plane and took a little nap. The bad part is he started to turn a little green. 

///Natsu's P.O.V///

I have a big surprise for her when we land in Paris, just you wait Luce your name will be forever changed. Hint, hint.

                                                                6 years later 

I decided to do a time skip.Sorry, but don't worry big news coming soon. 

Hinora's P.O.V 

As I crouch down on the concrete and rinse the flowers I see pink in the air. 'That's weird it's only 9 in the morning'. The pink got closer and closer and then I finally realized it was Natsu. I jumped for joy since it's only been five years. In those past years I quite my job at the company and gave my position to Natsu as vice president. I still work at the school, but on my days off I work in my garden. Soon or later Natsu got moved up to president with his father and is doing very well with the stock market. As for Lucy Igneel tells me she works as a teacher for elementary kids and is moving back to Japan with Natsu. When are those two ever going to get married. Natsu stops for a bit and helps a girl with a bulging stomach. I squint my eyes a little more and make out a girl with blonde hair. Wait Lucy. As Natsu comes into more sight it is Lucy and she looks like she is going to burst. "Hey Aunt Hinora how have you be..oh careful Lucy we wouldn't want to hurt little Nashi or Igneel". He said while rubbing his hand against her stomach. 

"Okay guys care to explain I mean come on how far are you, when did you guys hit it off, and why do you guys have golden rings...tell me all the details". Lucy was about to speak, but moved her hand down her stomach. Nine months pregnant that answers my first question. Natsu rushers her into the house and then into their car. I follow them and as we meet up at the hospital I can hear Lucy scream very loudly...this reminds me of when Natsu and Zeref were born;yup it was full of screaming and tears with anger...good times, good times. The only bad part was when Grandeeney broke my hand. 

Only the father is aloud in the room and me, Igneel,Acgonilia,and the rest of Natsu and Lucy's friends. Natsu comes into the room with a smile on his face. "It's a boy". We all smiled and rejoyced, but Natsu walked back into the room and noted, "Can you guys give me five minutes with my son and wife". 

///Lucy's P.O.V///

Sweat pours down my face and tears mix in. I have a baby with the man I love and did a bet with. The door opens and Natsu comes in and then sits in a chair next to my right side. "what shall we name him", I ask. Natsu looks at me then at our son and says, "I like Nashi, even though it means nothing, there is nothing I'd rather do than be married to you and be by you side". I smile and say, "alright then welcome to the world Nashi Grandeeney Dragneel". I married the man I love and had a child all due to a bet a certain woman helped me with. Everyone then came in and smiled. If it weren't for that bet I don't think i would ever be here right now and right here. 

 that's the end everyone don't worry I will keep making Nalu fanfics. Stay tuned thank you all so much for reading my story. domo arigoto!!

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