Day 8

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///Hinora's P.O.V///
As soon as I was released Mira walked up to me. "I know I shouldn't be doing this,but are you sure your back is healed I mean you were only her for two days". I know I had to lie so I could walk out of here. "Yeah couldn't be better". I raise my fist in the air. As I walked out the doors I saw my good old friend/Doctor waiting for me. " Aw you showed up how sweet". I said with a smirk. " Baka,we are friends  of course I would show up for you;besides your husband asked me to". I hate that man so much. " He did he well when you see him again punch him in the face and say it was from Hinora". "Will do,ready for school". She asked me with a slight smile . "Well I guess I could go in my hospital gown".
///Porlyusica P.O.V///
This chick really doesn't care what she wears. " Are you sure Miss Dragneel"? I ask her. " I'm just kidding I will wear what I always wear, which is very boring sometimes". She walked to my car and started getting in dressed. " What the hell are you doing"!? I ask her. " I'm getting undressed see my".... I rolled my eyes and looked the other direction. " Alright I'm set". She said with a smile. Sometimes I ask myself does she always have to smile in a time like this(seen in media). As we drove off to the school she kept staring outside. " What is so fascinating outside"? " Just remembering the day I wanted to move away from here and just go somewhere and explore".  When the school was in viewing, Hinora got ready for the show. " Thanks for the ride". 
              /// Hinora's P.O.V///
As I enter the school it's quite,to quite. When I walk around I see people giggling and whispering about some big fight that is going on Saturday. Great the word is out, just my luck. " You two stop sucking each other's faces off". I pull Sting and Yukino off of each other. I walk to my office and sit down and try to relax,sadly I can't anymore. " Hinora we have a major problem,Lucy isn't here at school and I'm freaking out here". Natsu said as he kept pacing back and forth. " Woah,woah okay hot shot tell me from the begging cause I know you,there is always a start to way she she's not here".  " Okay we were training today at 4 in the morning and she looked kind of pale so I took care of it". I lifted up an eyebrow and said," Took care of what, what did you do"? " I took her to my house besides being pale she started to throw up and said my body hurts, I  got  out of the room to go get some warm water,tea, and fruit; when I got back she was gone. " "Natsu can you answer me this question please, so you have a bathroom in your room"?  " Oh". Said the dense Baka. " Yeah, wait you left her alone in your house". I said while getting up. " Don't worry, Wendy is there and the maids are too". Wendy was adopted by Igneel because her thought that if he adopted a girl it would fill the void in his heart; she kind of does look like my sister, she is only three months old. " She's a baby you Baka; where going home".  I said and entered Makarov's office. " I'm leaving for the day because my back is starting to irritate me". He noises and I headed out with Natsu's keys in hand. As we arrive at the house I start to trudge up the stairs with pink hair in my right hand. The door was opened and revealed a poor helpless blonde trying to get up out of the bed with white and red pillows. " Mind telling me how you this all happened"? I ask Lucy and Natsu who is putting a cold pad on her head. " Okay so after getting back from the gym a lady with black hair ran up to me and sneezed in my face and told me the common cold and sorry; so after words I felt a little uneasy and decided to well you know". I nod and heard a wale of a cry. " I'll go get her, Hinora could you watch Lucy for me". Natsu said and got out of the room. "Alright so we have exactly two days until the match do you think you can do it"? I ask her. She got out of the bed and said," I'm sure I can do it". " At a girl, now if anything can work for a cold it is my most famous chicken noodle soup". The door bursted open with Natsu and a small blue haired girl. " I heard famous chicken noodle soup". If anything Natsu has incredible hearing when food is mentioned in a sentence.
///Lucy's P.O.V ///
I can't believe that lady sneezed on me and then Natsu leaves when I'm in the bathroom, what a dense Baka. While walking down the stairs my head started spinning. " Here let me help you out". Natsu put my right arm above his head and yet still carried the baby in one arm. " So do you bring all the girls here too, Mr. Player". " Y-yes,but only on special days". He said with a smirk. Pervert. I think Hinora gagged in her mouth. When we arrived at the kitchen she got out so many strange ingredients that I may have never heard. " Alright ladies and baby girl welcome to the kitchen a place where I feel free at, today we are making a signature dish filled with Angle hair, kelp, carrots, and many other green things, but it is called Hinora's famous chicken noodle soup". " Hey why did you call me a girl". Hinora said," Because you have no balls". Ooo burn Natsu she got you. I laughed so hard I almost peed my pants, even the baby giggled. " Oh your so cute I can't stay made at you or Lucy". I stopped and blushed did he just call me cute. Once Hinora was done with her soup she placed it in front of me with a warm smile. ( Pretend that's Hinora).

 "Thanks Hinora, mmm smells good"

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"Thanks Hinora, mmm smells good". She then served Natsu and gave him the baby food for Wendy. " You know I'm lucky you have a baby sister because if you were to ever have a child you would need to learn the essentials of being a good parent". " Hey I stopped my playing ways after I started to like Lucy". I spat out some liquid of gold and looked at him so did Hinora with awkward written on her face. "You know what I am feeling a lot better mind if I hold her". I changed the subject, thank goodness because I had no idea what to say to his comment. " Sure, but she can be a handful". ( pretend that's Wendy).

"Aw she's so cute"

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"Aw she's so cute".
/// Natsu's P.O.V ///
Hinora looked so beautiful when she was holding my little sister. There goes that feeling again when I look at here and imagine something that may happen in the future if I... I lost my train of thought when the blonde and pink haired girl look at me with smiles on there faces. " What"? "Oh you know what, are you okay little girl do you need some help". My aunt responded to my question of one word. I turned around and held my scarf to my cheeks were they were turning pink. When we finished our meal Lucy put Wendy back to her crib and I followed her. " You know they say the best way to make a baby fall asleep more and not wake up in the middle of the night is to sing them a song from the heart". She looked at me with those big beautiful chocolate eyes. " Oh really who said that". She said with an angelic smile. " My dad told me that when Wendy wouldn't stop crying, you see when I was little my mom sang to me every night and would sing the same song over and over till my eye lids closed". Lucy took Wendy to the rocking chair and her voice is amazing. " Hush little baby don't say a word Lucy's gonna buy you a mockingbird and if that bird don't sing Lucy's gonna buy you a diamond ring, and if that diamond ring turns brass Lucy's gonna buy you a looking glass"... I pulled up a stool to Lucy and the baby and joined in. " And if that looking glass gets broke Natsu and Lucy are gonna buy you a billy goat, and if that billy goat won't pull Natsu and Lucy are gonna buy you a cart and bull, and if that cart and bull fall down, you'll still still be the sweetest baby in the world".( I don't really know the ending but here you go I guess). Wendy was out and Lucy looked at me. " You really are good with kids aren't you". " Well when we got here she was so annoying but I was always home and I guess she got stuck to me, besides when I go to the store"... "Nice way to ruin the moment Dragneel". When me and Luce exited the room I asked her a question that is shocking to most,but to me it means a lot. " Luce even if you don't win I will not chose Lisanna over you, win or lose will you be my girlfriend"? She looked at me and said," No". I looked up at her and she hugged me with a smile. " I'm kidding of course". I smiled and hugged her back with a smile. Even though there is one day until the boxing tournament I still will stay with her win or lose my feelings will not change. I heard squealing in the back and knew it was Hinora trying not to act all high and mighty with me liking a girl with true feelings. As Lucy and Hinora exited out of my house my dad came in and said," Techanaki". " Dragneel" when they left my dad looked at me but I had hearts in my eyes and couldn't stop thinking of my Luce.

Alright so Natsu asked Lucy to be his, aw cute and what will Hinora do next when it comes to the next day, will she show a signature move or sit on the couch find out and stay tuned. Sorry for not updating in 4 days writers block, major block

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