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Natsu's P.O.V

"If you can beat my crazy ex girlfriend in a boxing match I will most definitely take you out, the match is in 2 months". I say to the blonde bimbo with a chuckle. Like she could ever win a match I mean look at her she really is weak.

                     Lucy's P.O. V
                                                               Finally I got the nerve to ask Dragneel out. I've had a crush on him for 3 whole years and now it's finally happening,but I don't really know how to box. "Lu-chan are you okay"? My   best friend Levy-chan said to me at the    end of the day. " I finally got to ask Natsu out, but he said he would only date me if I could beat his ex". "Wait you mean Lisanna you do know she is a kick boxer at heart right". Levy said while turning pale as a ghost. " He never told me that ....oh no oh no what am I going to do now". I said freaking out and pacing back and fourth. " Wait,"Levy said,"I bet Erza and Mira would love to help you". I said," That's a great idea".... " Sorry Lucy but you're on your own, you need back bone". Said the scarlet girl and white haired one. I sat down on the school bench outside and looked down at the gray solid grown. "Now what am I going to do". I mumbled. " wait a minute", Mira said," I know one person who is as tough as Erza and me combined". " Who"? All three of us screamed. "Head mistress Hinora Dragneel". She continued. I thought for a minute and nodded. Maybe she would love to help me win her nephew's heart, right ? As I got up form the bench I saw a woman with long pink hair, eyes of brown, and skin of light tan. She looked my way and said," Don't you girls have something better to do than loath around the school yards".   I said," Mrs. Dragneel I want to become strong". She gave me a confused look. "What do you mean by become strong" she asked.   I replied," I want to not be weak and stand up for my self and protect my self in a fight if you know what I mean". She smiled and agreed to my proposition. " I will help you become strong but on one condition would you please stop screaming at the top of you lungs geez blondie you have some major vocals".

Hinora's P.O.V
What I agreed to might actually help her become more social and brave to other people and bullies, but what I don't understand is why now and what's the purpose of this outbreak of fighting. Maybe it's just in my head, I mean like come on she couldn't be after something...right? As I walk home from the offer I see a girl walk out the manor of the mansion. "hello H.." " It's Dragneel to you whore and good day whatever your name is and you probably go to my school". After that great talk ,I twist up a magazine into a ruler ,and hit my nephew-Natsu in the head twice." So much like your father and your uncle always sleeping around with girls and never leaning a lesson in it. How do you sleep at night honestly". " With moans". He replies. I gag in my mouth a little and say," tch, your really are a perverted play boy... Go do your homework now." " You're not my mom". " Oh I know". " What are you doing her anyway you know dad is going to kill you". He said. I said," I came by just to say hi okay I know I'm not allowed her unless on holidays and birthdays, I also came here to get my red wraps for boxing I left them here after I was kicked out". Natsu rolled his, before I could walk out I saw Igneel look at me with anger. " I was leaving anyways, by the way your son brought another girl home make sure you tell him about where babies come from I hate for him to become a dad at such a young age like you did". Igneel inhaled with fire and yelled," 19 is not a young age". " It is to me when you're still in high school and you marry a 16 year old , is it not you over sized pain in the ass dragon;I'm surprised my sister could even marry a player like you and still have two children with you. How disgusting I do say". He couldn't even say another word to fight back with but instead said good day techankai. That is my madam name but I switched it to Dragneel when I was 21, but as you can see I regret that decision now and days past one.

So this is my first nalu story and what did you guys think. Also what do you think is Hinora ever going to find out the truth in Lucy's bet stay tuned 🤔😱

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