"Aly... Why didn't you just agree to marry me?"

"Ilhoon. Marriage is important. It's not a joke. I don't want to marry someone I don't love. I'm sorry."

"But Aly! I love you..."

"Its just not the same for me..."

"Is it Luhan? You still love him?"

"I... No... It... It has nothing to do with him..."

"Well then who? Wait a minute..."


"Is it... Is it Baekhyun?!"


Aish. I don't know if I should say yes or no.... But to be honest, if I had to choose from Baekhyun, Luhan and Ilhoon, I would most definitely not choose Ilhoon because... Um... His mother... Eh long story. I'll tell later.

But between Luhan and Baekhyun... I'd most preferably choose Baekhyun because he's been so nice to me... The nicest out of everyone basically... Excluding LAVEV of course. But if it was about love... I have to unfortunately admit that it's Luhan.

"I mean yes. It is Baekhyun. I like him. He's also my boyfriend."


"I told you. I even said it in front of Grandmother."

"But... But... I thought that was just a cover up..."

"No. I actually like Baekhyun and he's my boyfriend too."

"Oh... Well... Then who's gonna be my girlfriend for the day huh?"

"Mmm. OH! What about Gabrielle? Our primary friend?"


"Why... What's wrong with her? We were all best friends when we were young..."

"DUDE! When you left to Korea, she told my mother I liked you... Remember... My mother... Um... she doesn't like you... Because of your mother..."

"Yeah. I don't even know what my mother did wrong! Either way, if your mum didn't make my mother weak, she could've fought her way out and not DIE in the hospital!"

Man. Nothing stopped me from running out of the living room to outside. My mother was all weak because of Ilhoon's mother.

Wait a minute... Our mission... Our mission was to find out how our parents became weak... Yes. Yes our parents. All of LAVEV's parents were in the same hospital, in the same room, with the same people, from the same spy company, with the same reason.

All our parents were weak and asked us to continue their job finding what caused them to get into hospital.

What we do know, is our enemy Skull, caused it. They have some kind of thing going on making people from Stars weak. Stars is the name of the spy company LAVEV are part of. We are called Stars because every time we go our to find something or do something for the company, we split into 5, so in each group from Stars there's 5 team members.

And with 5 people, using 2 fingers and putting them together in a circle, it forms a star. So yeah. But Grandmother told me that Ilhoon's mother is in the hospital...

And if you have to pass down to your kids that you're spies when you're either in hospital, injured or dead... Then that means Ilhoon already knows he's part of spies...

One of the rules of Stars is never fall in love, marry, talk or even keep in contact with anyone in Skull.

So I guess the friendship between Ilhoon and I are over...

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