Maybe This Christmas

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It’s a chilly morning. It’s snowing meaning, it’s Christmas; the day of joy and giving. The children are expecting to have their gifts given by Santa but I think he’s just a pedophile so parents should really watch their child not that he’s real or anything. The whole world are putting Christmas trees in their houses and Christmas lights that twinkling in the silent night but they just turn brown and dry or set the whole house on fire. My friends was inviting me to come over at their houses so we can drink eggnog but it just looks like jizz all over my upper lips. In every house, there are lots of sweets and foods that gave you a heart disease or diabetes. And the worst thing about Christmas is that I’m alone. 

My fiancé died in a car accident last Christmas. It was a horrible day. Since that day, I never really celebrated Christmas. I’m always alone and I hate every single bit of Christmas stuff. I clearly remembered that day…

We have our socks near our fireplace. My fiancé helping me cooked food. We’re decorating our whole house and we even invited our old friends. My fiancé wanted to go out to do some errand. I asked what it is and he said it was a secret. I let him… It’s almost Christmas and I’m getting worried. No one’s at home even those friends whom we invited. They said they have something to do in which I bet having their party on their own. Then at the exact twelve o’clock I have a phone call. My heart is beating fast, all the possible things that could happen came rushing through me. I heard a noise of sirens in the line and the man in the phone tells me that my husband has been in a car accident… 

I quickly went to the hospital where he was confined… The police gave me a piece of jewelry in my hand. I opened it… There, I saw a 3 carat diamond engagement ring and there’s a note printed in the ring container… Will you marry me? I cried… How can the world be cruel? I loved him…

It’s still fresh in my mind… I’ll never forget that day… My phone rings and I quickly answered it. 

My friend invites me to her Christmas party. I insist not to but she’s prying and she told me that she’s gonna fetch me. 

Before I knew it, I’m in her house. People are having fun while a sit here near the window watching the outside world. There’s a guy dancing at the terrace. I couldn't see his face because it’s too dark there but he step forward and there…. I saw his face clearly. My jaw dropped. It couldn’t be…

I run outside the house. I don’t care if I bump at people because I saw it, clear in my eyes. It’s my fiancé, my husband-to-be, at the terrace smiling at me. I couldn't stop my tears flowing. I missed him.

At last, I’m out. We’re now face to face. He put his hand in my cheek to wipe my tears and kissed me. He asks for a dance and I gladly accept it. He said that I should be enjoying the Christmas and my life because this is the only memento that he’s there for me… That life isn’t bad at all… I just nod… I know that he’s gonna leave me after this but I want to treasure this hours, this day, this Christmas because this is the last time I’m gonna touch him and talk to him. I don’t care if people call me crazy, I don’t care if people are staring at me because now I know that Christmas is not about December 25 but about the within, the spirit of it….

A story version of Maybe by Shane Dawson created by Vandalism. I added some drama in it. To tell that I haven't plagiarized anything... I have given you the rules under Copyright Law:

Under U.S. Copyright law, the legality of a given work of fan fiction will depend principally on three legal doctrines: (1) copyright ability of the underlying source work; (2) the derivative work right; and (3) fair use.

I also asked Shane Dawson to create a story version of it.

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