Chapter 18

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She collapsed on the floor, blood slowly spreading on the floor. Her breathing became more rapid, as a green light enveloped her. Duusu materialized, and Malina was back in her regular clothes.
"Oh my gods, Malina!" Duusu zipped above her, eyes filled with worry.
Chat Noir rushed by her side and knelt down next to her. "You didn't have to block it. I could've dealt with it alright," he muttered tearfully.
"You'd be surprised what lengths you would go through for someone you love," Malina said between coughs.
Ladybug stood behind Chat Noir, placing a hand on his shoulder. "I am so sorry this happened to you, Malina," she wiped away a stream of tears with her other hand.
"Don't be, Ladybug," Malina managed to smile. "I know I'll be alright." She closed her eyes, but her breathing hadn't stopped. It remained at a slow pace.

Dreamcatcher stood a little farther away with a smirk on his face. But the smirk was easily wiped off when Hawkmoth stormed in angrily.
The purple suited man's eyes drifted onto Malina on the ground. "No, this wasn't supposed to happen." His gaze fixed on Dreamcatcher, more specifically, the knife he was holding. "You did this."
Dreamcatcher's smirk was replaced with a worried frown. "Sir, it was an accident, I was aiming for-"
"I could care less what you were aiming for!" Hawkmoth yelled.
Maybe he was blinded by rage, or he just found the outburst of hate for Dreamcatcher. Whatever it was, it was enough for Hawkmoth to swiftly snatch the knife out of his hand and plunge it into his abdomen.
Ladybug was the only one truly paying attention, considering that Chat Noir and Gabriel were trying to keep Malina's breathing steady. "That's.......unexpected," she commented.
Hawkmoth pulled out the knife from Dreamcatcher's stomach, eyes empty of any regret.
"He's going to regret that," Duusu shook her head.
"Why?" Ladybug raised an eyebrow.
"Because miraculous holders are prohibited from killing. If they do, they lose the privelege of being the master of a kwami," Duusu explained.
"So, the butterfly kwami can break out of Hawkmoth's control!" she exclaimed just as her earring started to beep. "I only have a few minutes left!"
"As soon as they're expired, Tikki will need a lot more food than she normally does," Duusu warned.
"But where can I transform and get food?"
"The storage room down the hall," Duusu instructed. "Hawkmoth will be taken care of here, and so will Malina, now go!"
Ladybug nodded quickly before dashing down the hall to the storage room.

"Malina, stay with us," Gabriel pleaded.
She laid still, but breathing.
"She's still alive," Chat Noir sighed in relief. He turned over to Hawkmoth. Dreamcatcher, the one who severely injured his mom, was already limp as a corpse in the corner of the hall, but Hawkmoth, still wanted to take his rage out on someone.
"Where is Ladybug!?" he demanded.
"Not telling," Chat Noir grit his teeth.
"With both of your miraculouses, I could bring back Malina," he was exhaling sharply. "Don't tell me you don't want that."
"I know what else you're going to do," Chat Noir readied his staff. "And I think Malina would have anything over that."
"Hand over your miraculous!" Hawkmoth made a desperate lunge at him, but a sharp pain in his chest made him fall short.
He shivered on the ground at Chat Noir's feet, wailing. "What is happening!?"
"That, my dear villain," Duusu looked at him disapprovingly, "is the consequence of killing another. You are no longer considered eligible to be the master of a kwami." She smirked. "And Nooroo puts up a good fp fight, don't you think?"
As if on cue, a spark of purple spiraled out of the brooch, and a purple kwami materialized.
"Oh my gods, do you know how tiring and tortorous it was being under that man's control? Ugh!" the kwami immediatly complained. Then again, who could blame him?
"Nooroo!" Duusu zipped foward and hugged him the best she could with her little nubs. "You're finally free!"
"Nice to see you too," Nooroo laughed, hugging back.
Hawkmoth was enveloped in a purple smoke, and when it faded, he was wearing a black suit, and smooth blonde hair replaced where his hood-mask had been.
"Felix," Gabriel got up from next to Malina and walked over to him. In one swift move, he snatched the butterfly brooch off of Felix's suit, earning a scowl from him.
"Where's Ladybug?" Chat Noir asked.
"Right here," a voice came from down the hall. Ladybug came running back, stopping in front of Malina's body. "The city hasn't been too damaged, cell towers are working fine."
"Great. That means we can call the hospital to see if they can heal Malina," Gabriel sighed.
Chat Noir was still glancing subtlety at Felix. His resemblance to his civilian form and his father were unbelievable.
Felix was still on the ground. The pain was still in his chest, and he didn't know why.

That was when more footsteps echoed in the hall. Their demigod friends were safe after all, and made it inside.
"Funny thing," Lindsey pointed out. "The villains each had a butterfly fly off of them, and as they turned back into regular civilians, the butterflies just vanished. Is that normal?"
Ladybug and Chat Noir glanced at each other.
"I don't know," Ladybug shrugged. "Speaking of which, where's my lucky charm?"
"Destroyed. I used it to transfer my catyclysm to a barrel of special effects somewhat sleeping gas. Sorry," Chat Noir said sheepishly.
"So, that means the damage done to this city can't be undone by just magic," Ladybug sighed.
Chat Noir's ring started to beep. Uh—"
"There's a storage room down the hall with Camembert," Ladybug cut him off.
He nodded gratefully and ran to the storage room.
Ladybug turned hopefully to Katsina, and looked down at Malina. "Can you help her?"
"I don't have healing abilities," Katsina held up a hand. "But I can transport you to the hospital."
"Do it," Ladybug nodded. She hesitated before asking, "Will we ever meet again?"
"Depends. Will you ever go to America?" Rin tilted his head.
"Then we shall see," Ladybug smiled.
"They really can take us to the hospital? What kind of magic is this?" Gabriel asked in wonderment.
Katsina flicked her hand, and a cloud of blue smoke surrounded Ladybug, Gabriel, Duusu, Nooroo, and Malina. When the smoke faded, they were gone.
"Mortals," she scoffed, "when will they learn that there isn't only a reality or one type of magic?"

Chat Noir was finally finished feeding Plagg some Camembert, and ran back out, only to be greeted by the four demigods and his evil uncle in the corner.
"Where is everyone else?" Chat Noir asked.
"I sent them to the hospital. Malina lost a lot of blood," Katsina answered.
Chat Noir nodded. "You know I'll ask you to send me there too, but," he pointed to Felix. "What are you going to do with him?"
"We're taking him to Olympus," Rin frowned at the powerless villain. "I have a feeling the gods will love to lecture him."
He nodded slowly. "Alright then. Please. Send me to the hospital."
"Done," Sofia waved.
Katsina flicked her hand again. "Until we meet again."

After he had gone, Sofia turned to Felix. "Now," she hissed. "Shall we see what the penalty for this crime is?"


When he was in he hospital, he detransformed to be Adrien Agreste. It didn't feel right to be at his mother's bedside, or just there to pray she gets well again, as a superhero.
Ladybug was waiting outside the emergency room when she spotted him. "Ch— Adrien!" she exclaimed, and in a lower voice, added, "Sorry, I really need to get used to that. The kwamis are hiding out in a food cabinet."
"It's okay. How is she?" Adrien questioned.
Gabriel was pacing back and forth, worriedly. To Adrien, it was a miracle that neither Felix or his father had figured out his secret identity. As far as his father was concerned, Adrien only had a kwami and a miraculous. He had never gone crime fighting at all, just had an unknown kwami for company.
"I don't know," Ladybug shook her head. "I don't know."
Alright, now i really, really, really, hope you liked or loved this chapter bc I feel like my endings, or falling actions, are always really weak. The next chapter is going to be the last one of this book, unfortunately (I can't tell whether I hear celebrating or disappointment. Anyways)
Since it is Thanksgiving today, I shall give thanks.
Thank you all so much for getting this story to 4K reads, I probably didn't deserve half of that, but thank you anyway!
Thank you for leaving feedback on my chapters (I appreciate it if you will do so for this chapter too), and giving me the motivation to write!
Hell, thanks a bunch for supporting my idea to write another fanfic for season 3!
I love you all, leave feedback, votes, and share this story💙until next time!

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