"This little boy's life depends on it. Just wait here for me, please."

I walked in through the side door, looking at her gorgeous face on last time. This was it. I was leaving to get the high that I needed.

"Yo, amigos! Where y'all at? Come out and play fellas."

I placed my gun in the holster. Not trying to fire at anybody. Just I walked through one room, a random round of gunshots fired and a scream soon followed. I broke my neck to turn around to see where it came from. I knew that voice.

"Talk to me, Brandon."

I smapped out of it. "She just was in the wrong place at the wrong time. Anyway, can I go now? It's 6:30."

"Yes, you're free to go. Good session today."

"Yeah, I'm sure it was for you. Enjoy the rest of your evening, Dr. Hubert."

I opened the door to my loft to see Lauren and Nas laid out on the couch sleep. I forgot all about them taking me out to celebrate my birthday.

"Shit. Shit," I cursed myself for bailing on them.

I covered my face with my hands before unbuttoning my shirt. I needed my pills because me and drinking don't go over so well. I strolled to my bathroom to see if I had any type of prescription left.

In my bottom cabinets, none. On the mirror shelf, none. I groaned before leaning over the sink. I felt sick as hell like I had to throw up.

"Hey," a soft tired voice called out. "You okay?"

I didn't look up from the sink. "Lauren, go back to bed please..."

"Um, I think not. It's after midnight and you came in here buzzed as fuck. Like I can legit smell you, Brandon."

"Your point?" I muttered.

Lauren grabbed my arm. "And your knuckle is bleeding." She smacked her teeth and disappeared briefly. I forgot about how I punched a wall at the bar. The pain was comforting to me.

"Sit," her tone still pleasant with me as she sat on the bathroom rug. I did as told and sat on the toilet. She took my hand and used peroxide to make sure I didn't get infected. I winced at the pain.

"Sorry," she apologized for the pressure before wrapping my hand a gauze wrap.

When she finished, she stayed seated on the rug glancing up at me. "What, Lauren?"

"You were crying..."

I'm sure my red eyes probably gave it away. "Had a burger. There was onioms in it, you know how that go," I lied.

She rolled her eyes and got up from the floor. "Whatever. I'm going to back to bed."

I sighed deeply. "You mad at me?" I asked her before she left out the room. Lauren turned to face and shook her head.

"No, just more so disappointed. It's cool though. Get you some sleep, you need it."

I reached out to her and took her hand, pulling her in for a hug. "I'm sorry, forgive me. I don't want you mad at me."

"It's fine," Lauren assured me while rubbing my back. "Come on and get up, you're drunk as hell." I stood up like she told me too and peeked down at her. How she being so nice to me right now, I don't know.

I caressed her cheek while my tired eyes focused in on her lips. They looked good as hell right now. "Damn, when you got so beautiful?"

Lauren lightly hit my arm and started to walk away. I hurried behind her and grabbed her arm before turning her around. I boldly leaned down to press my lips against hers. It was new territory, but I felt right at home. I lightly bit down on her bottom lip before gazing into her eyes.

Just as I about to kiss her again, Lauren backed away with a blank face. "You sleep in your bed tonight. Me and Nas will sleep out in the den."

"Lauren, please. Stay in here with me pleeeease."

She quickly shook her head. "Goodnight, Brandon."

Before I could more words out, my room door was slammed behind her. I groaned, now angered with myself. What the hell just happened? I may be slightly drunk, but I know that that kiss was something else.

Hopefully, I remember it all in the morning though.

Vote, comment, and whatever else ;)

Sooo, now that y'all know about Bam's suicidal thoughts do you all think he was responsible for Erin's death?

That kiss though...will he remember it later?

Did the kiss even mean anything or was it just the liquor? Will it make their friendship awkward?

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