Security is running down the hall and stops when they see who the men are. Serena and Reese have come out into the hallway and Serena rushes down to Santo to see if he’s alright. Reese starts talking to security to smooth everything over.

Santo and Taylor stand in the middle of the hallway. There are tears in Taylor’s eyes and hurt on Santo’s face. Neither knows what to say to the other to make it right. 

“If you had just come with me, none of this would have happened.”  Santo lashes out with quiet anger.  Serena comes over and hugs her brother then stands protectively in front of him.

“This isn’t over Donati, this isn’t about her, this is between you and me.” Nathan angrily yells.

“Nathan, shut up…I didn’t want any of this to happen.”  Taylor tearfully holler’s at him.

“Well look at you Taylor Simon, you got two men fighting over you but you can’t seem to hold onto either one of them. I just hate bitches like you” The bleached blond spits at her.

“Larisa?” Nathan says sternly. “This is not your business.”

“Larisa…?” Taylor looks from Nathan to Larisa.  “Knocked up and I left her after she lost the baby I didn’t want with her anyway Larisa, Nathan? You’re out here begging me to come back to you while the woman you left me for sits in another room until you get knocked on your ass? This is so you, Nathan I can’t even….”  Taylor sighs and turns her back and the tears start to fall.

People hearing the raised voices start coming down the hallway along with the alerted media. Reese has got a towel and wraps Santo’s hand. Santo sees the pain on Taylor’s face and thinks he never really had a chance. He’s done it again. He’s just another rebound man. Reese pushes him out of the hallway toward the men’s restroom.  Security goes over and starts talking to Larisa and Nathan.

Serena grabs Taylor by the arm rushing her into the woman’s restroom then she locks the door. She leaves Taylor sitting in the lounge area shaking and crying while she goes to check the bathroom stalls to see if anyone is in them. There’s  one person washing her hands.

“I’m sorry, but could you give us some privacy please…..”  Serena ask the young woman.

“No…I’m not done yet.” The woman pulls out her lipstick and turns the tube to start putting it on her lips.  Serena yanks the tube out of  her hand and throws it at the toilets missing the toilet bowl it hits the floor, bounces and they watch it roll. 

"Ok, you’re done, now get the hell out.”  Serena yells at her. “Bitch, are you crazy….that lipstick cost my boyfriend twenty-eight dollars.” The woman glares at Serena. 

“Hm...I’m sorry.” Serena digs in her small purse. She finds a fifty dollar bill and holds it up in the girl’s face so she can see it. “Here’s a fifty, get another one.  Now…. get the hell out and don’t ever call me a bitch again….bitch.” The girl snatches the fifty and walks to the door. Serena follows her and lets her out then locks the door behind her.

Serena is already dialing on her phone when she sits next to Taylor. Taylor assumes she’s calling her parents to tell them what has happened and Taylor thinks about Julian and Rhea’s evening being spoiled by all of this.

“No Serena, please can we just sit here for a while before you let Julian know?” Taylor pleads. “Taylor, I already got a text from Reese. Our parents know. There dealing with the hotel people now. I’m not calling them I’m calling Wilton, Ok.”  

“k….can you get Darcy or Zoe for me.” Taylor ask, the tears have dried but she looks so distraught Serena is still worried about her. Serena tells Wilton what’s going on.  He ask if Taylor is alright then tells her he’s going to check on Reese and Santo.

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