"Also wanted to tell you that I... met someone." Thinking of her makes me smile. "I didn't tell you about her a couple of months ago when I last came because I wasn't sure, but I want to tell you now. Her name is Vienna Morris. We met a while back. She is quite serious and quiet, but she goes through a lot. So I understand her. Well, at least I try to understand.I enjoy our small conversations. She lightens up my day even when it gets hard. She is really nice once you get to know her better."

Just then, a doctor walks in. "Oh, Mr. Brennan, good to see you around. How are you today?"

I stand "Very well doctor. How is my father?"

The doctor grabs his glasses and puts them on. "Let's see here." He opens the file and flips through it. "May we step outside for a little?"

We step outside the room "Well, your father needs better treatment and we are running short on supplies. We went over that last time you were here. The medicines we give him are just not enough anymore. We've managed to control his disease, but it's getting harder."

He is all I have left. "I would do anything, doctor. How can I help?"

 The doctor takes off his glasses "We need more medical supplies. If you can continue to bring what you find out there we can manage to help him a little longer. I must be honest with you in the fact that we cannot guarantee anything." 

"Just give me some time. I will get them. Please, just give me time." I need to bring in more supplies.

The doctor puts his hand on my shoulder "Thank you, Ryan. I will continue to help your father."

"Thank you, doctor! I promise I will bring any medical supplies I find."

"Okay. Now excuse me, I have others to attend." With that being said, the doctor leaves.

I quickly return to the room and stand at the bedside. "Don't worry about anything dad. It will all be alright. Hey, maybe one day I can present her to you." I wait a little longer hoping he'll open his eyes, but he doesn't.

As I walk by the front desk, I wave Flora goodbye as she seems busy scribbling something on a clipboard.

"Ryan, wait!" She quickly stands. "When are you coming back?"

I shrug "I don't know. When I can."

She frowns "Don't tell me in the next four months. Come sooner. We don't talk anymore. And if we do, it's just when you come to see your father."

"I know and I'm sorry, but I must go out and gather what I can. Maybe another time? I have to go soon and I still have to make another quick stop." Which by another quick stop, it means her home.

She pushes her hair behind her ear as her cheeks turn red. "So, I know your birthday is in like... several weeks from now, but I just want to say Happy Birthday. You know, just in case I don't see you."

I can't help but laugh how she blushed just to say that to me, but I am grateful for a friend like her. "Thank you so much."

"It's nothing. You are getting old though. How old are you turning? Eighty-four?"

"You're very close! Twenty-two." She does this every year.

She laughs as she pushes me a little push on my shoulder. "I have to get back now. Need to organize a few things. Please be careful out there. It's getting uglier."

"I will. Please take care of yourself. Never let your guard down okay? I'll come back soon." We give each other a brief hug.

As she heads back to her desk, she waves goodbye. I wave back.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 12, 2020 ⏰

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