Chapter 1: The Begining of the Madness

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Every year we win. If we don't, we weren't good enough. I'm a District 2 Career tribute. I will win, this year. It will be my year and I will bring even more pride to my District. Only one thing will stand in my way, my District partner.

I awake to the smell of pure joy also known as quiches and pancakes. I throw on my black jeans and a black tank top. To top it off my favorite grey-ish-blue-ish sweater. I walk down the hall to wake up my older brother Shyll, but he's already awake. He's 24 and was reaped and lost his leg in the Games. He has the most beautiful eyes, for a family member, and really dark blond hair. I go down stairs to see my mother and father sitting at the table eating breakfast.

"Eat your food, Clove, the Reaping is in 3 hours and you need to go to training" my father says with his most stern voice. My dad is a peace-keeper so him being home is almost a luxury.

"You should wear that lovely black skirt with that tank top" my mother's voice chimes in. My mother has the sweetest voice I've ever heard.

"Yes ma'am" I say, winking because she hates when I call her ma'am "I will do that mother"

In walks my younger brother Martial. He is 13 so he has survived one year without being reaped. He sits at the table but doesn't say anything. I finish my meal, stuff my 'reaping' clothes in a back-pack with my training gear and head downstairs to say goodbye.

I kiss my mother and father on the cheek and leave with my older and younger brothers. We arrive in about 5 minutes. We are split up into age categories.

"Okay, as you all know today is the reaping. you must be prepared. No breaks. This is no longer training for 2 of you You must fight the best you can. Survival is key" Gunnar, our instructor says. Then we are divided again into skills.

Later when I catch Gunnar alone. "I want to try spears this time, please" I tell him. He smirks and replies "I think you should stick with knives. It's too close to the Games to go out adventuring new a skill" I frown but I don't give up that easily. "What if I'm really good, and I'm reaped we wouldn't know. I should get to try just in case" He agrees, almost disappointingly, and I rush off.

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