Mommy dont go.

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Gia's P.O.V.

The man just looked down. "She might not make it." He said in a sad tone as he walked away. He got back into the truck that had my mommy, and drove away. Aunt Judy put me and Jannie into the car and she took us to a big building. When we walked inside it was all white with alot of people. Aunt Judy held our hands as we walked up to a desk. A girl said something and we started to walk again. We walked into an all white room and mommy was on a bed. The bed was white too. Mommy was sleeping so I walked up to her trying to be quiet. She opend her eyes and looked around. She smiled when she seen me and I smiled too. "Mommy." I said and hugged her tight. Then a girl came in. "Visit time is over. She will be out tomarrow." The lady said. I was sad. "I dont wanna leave mommy." I said but aunt Judy made us. We got back into the car and drove to aunt Judy's house. When we got there, Jannie took me into her room. We played with a bunch of different toys. Before we knew it, it was time for bed. I stayed at their house in Jannie's room. I couldnt stop thinking about mommy. I closed my eyes and went to sleep, excited to see mommy tomarrow.

"Yaaaay its morning." I screamed as we got into the car to go pick up mommy. When we got there she got into the front seat and we drove back to aunt Judy's place. Once we got back we all watched tv. I was happy that mommy was okay. Just then her phone rang. It was daddy...

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