Chapter 6 I Learn about Clarisse Complicated Family History

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Nico POV
I thought it was the strangest thing when Hephaestus called me over to the Big House. I answered the call anyway out of curiosity and met Hephaestus in the records room.

The records room was big old dusty place filled with filing cabinets upon filing cabinets of records about demigods. It took me a couple minutes before I found him looking over a paper on a wooden desk.

"Lord Hephaestus, you wanted to speak to me." I said getting his attention. "Hello lad. Come here I want to show you something." I went over to whee he stood seeing a family tree.

                       Hebe- Hephaestus
                       Lila La Rue-Ares
                       Clarisse La Rue

"Clarisse is your granddaughter?" I asked looking up at him. "Yup, I found out when Lila  found out she was pregnant."  Hephaestus explained to me.

"So basically your saying I have to  be afraid of you too." Hephaestus nodded "Clarisse is my only living grandchild. I thought if your gonna date Clarisse you need to learn a little bit  more about her." I nodded getting his message. "Plus also if you break Clarisse heart Ares is not the only person you'll have to deal with." I nodded and bowed to him before leaving to hang out with Clarisse.


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