Chapter 2 Before The Date

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Clarisse POV
I was really nervous when it came our date. I looked at the clock seeing it was 7:30.

I got up from my bed and started to get ready. I quickly took a shower and got out with a towel around me looking through my closet on what I wanted to wear.

I finally decided on wearing a simple casual  red dress that went down a little pass my knees with black high heels and black cover on. After getting dressed I curled my hair and added mascara and lipstick not wanting to go over the top.

After did a quick spin around the mirror I finally decided that I was ready. Looking at the clock I was it was 7:57 almost time. Two minutes later  I heard a knock on the door.

When I went into the living room I saw my brothers playing video games ignoring me. I was about to answer when Josh my older brother cut me off.

"Where you going?" He asked me in a baby voice. "Out" I answered " Looking like that, no your not. Wait are you going on a date?" He asked narrowing his eyes.

"Yes" I answered going for the door. He stepped in front of it. "Sweetheart go over there while I talk to the boy." Josh told me showing me over to the couch.

Josh POV
After my sister was sitting on the couch I opened the door to see Nico.  "Hi Nico" I said closing the door behind me. "Hey Josh" his voice laced with nervousness.

"Okay Nico I'm gonna get straight to the point. Now I just figure out that your taking my sister out on a date like five seconds ago so here are some ground rules to dating my sister.

Rule Number 1: she better be home by ten.
Rule number 2: if I see rule number 1 broken by a minute I will hurt you.
And last but not least
Rule Number 3: If you hurt my sister in anyway possible I will not be afraid to kill you.

You get the point?"

"Yes sir" he answered.  I gave out smirk. " I love your choice of being polite but it's not going to help your case any. Clarisse you can come out now."

When Clarisse came out she just glared at me. I chuckled and she kissed my cheek before leaving with Nico.

Once I saw them gone I ran straight into the cabin to find my phone.  "You calling Dad?" My brother Andrew asked looking up from the tv. "Definitely" I told him.

"Hello" I heard my Dad say. "Hey Dad hate to interrupt, but Clarisse is going on a date!!!"  Dad didn't say anything for a moment before yelling "What??!!! Wait, with who?" "Nico Di Angelo" I told him. "I'm going to have to call you back." He said then the line went dead.

"Someone gonna get in trouble" Daniel my other brother sing song voice.

On Olympus
Ares POV
After my call with Josh I hung up the phone and looked straight at Hades. " Your in trouble" I tell him simply. "What did I do?" He asked  "What nerve does your boy thinks he has to take my girl out on a date?" I asked.  "Oh that's what this is about" he said my quietly.

"Ares before you start thinking about how your gonna rip me apart. Do realize I had no idea what Nico was  doing because the boy never tells me anything."

"Hmm hm" I said

"Well can you please not do that. That scare me" Hades said.

"Okay, but if I find one hair is missing on my child head because of the boy your son is dead. Your  hear me?"  I announced. "Yes sir" he answered.

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