Part 5

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(Guys I'm not dead I promise! Alrighty, I apologize so much that I haven't updated! Also, I will not be going off the anime anymore. Another note, thank you so so so soooo very much for liking and commenting and supporting this book and I have a question at the end so stick around! And with that, here's part 5!)
We all walked inside and poor Al was placed outside. Ed put down his luggage in a room and I walked into a different room to get changed. By the time I walked out Ed was in the floor with his head bleeding.
"Winry! Stop beating around Ed!" I scolded. She held up Ed's broken arm. "Look what he did to my automail!" She yelled. I helped Ed onto the couch and started to bandage up his head.
"Thanks (Y/N)." He thanked. I nodded.
"No problem."
Since Winry and Pinako were fixing up Ed and Al, I decided to make dinner. Armstrong was sitting with Ed and Al outside. I looked around in the kitchen to see what they had. I sighed and tapped my chin in thought while looking at random stuff I grabbed from the cabinets and fridge. I saw shrimp a GOT and idea. I grabbed one of the frozen shrimp and learned out the window closest to the three boys. I whistled, catching their attention. I quickly threw the shrimp at Ed's face.

"Hey look! It's just like you Ed!" I yelled and popped back inside the window before Ed got me. I looked back at the ingredients I had to work with and decided to just make ramen.
"Alright!" I announced to myself. I rolled up my sleeves and washed my hands. I got a pot and started to boil water, once that was at a boil I put in the noodles. I added the garlic and ginger, added the chicken broth and soy sauce  and in a different pot I started to boil eggs. I chopped up the green onions and put those to the side. I got out the bowls and separated the ramen in each of them. I took out the boiled eggs, cut them in half, and put them in each bowl as well as the green onions. (There's your daily cooking lesson for the day!)
I put a bowl at each seat. I stood back and admired my work.

"Good job me." I said to myself. I leaned out that window from earlier this and yelled that it was time to eat. I walked to the other room where Winry and Pinako were and told them it was time to eat also. One by one everyone came to the table. Ed stared at the food in awe.

"(Y/N) I didn't know you could cook." Winry said. I shrugged.

"Meh, you learn some things when you're out and about." I laughed a bit.

"This is awesome!" Ed made out as for his mouth was full with Ramen already. I laughed at his behavior. As we ate we talked about the missions we've been on since we were last here. In the middle of nowhere Winry looked at me.

"And how's your automail?" She asked. I shrugged once again.

"I mean, I can still make ramen with it." I said moving my arm around.

"Good. At least you didn't blow it up like some people..." she glared at Ed.

"Okay, I didn't 'blow it up' Winry." Ed hissed and glared back, using air quotes with His hands.

"Gosh Ed! Blowing up your automail. Tch tch tch." I shook my head.

"Agh! Not you (Y/N)! I thought you were on my side!" He complained. I laughed and ate my ramen.

Once everyone was done with dinner they all went back to everything they were doing in the first place. Ed and Armstrong went outside to Al and Winry and Pinako went back to fixing up automail. As I washed the dishes I heard a click come from my arm. I thought nothing of it and continued my job. Few moments after that I saw a small screw fall from my arm. I picked it up with my left hand (the non-automail one) and examined it. I soon recognised what it was for. It was one of the most important screws to my arm, one of the screws that held my arm together.

"Scheisse..." I whispered to myself in German. I continued to work on the dishes when my arm freaking just fELL APART! I stared at it for a while in shock. Once out of shock, I skipped over to Winry with my broken automail behind my back.

"Hey Winry~?" I sang. She  glanced at me then back at Ed's automail.

"What?" She asked. I looked around.

"Okay, how mad would you be if I happened to break my automail..?" I asked innocently. I didn't get a response from her for a while which worried me.

"Win-" "Hand it over." She cut me off while holding out her hand. I sighed as handed it over. She took it and placed it on a nearby table. "How do you feel about not having and arm for a night?" She asked.

"Well it's not my ideal night." I said. She laughed.

"You're just gonna have to live with it then."


Hey cakes! Okay, okay, words can not express how thankful and sorry I am. But, here's your chapter. I'm going to update regularly and it's going to be great! Also READER QUESTION TIME!!! I was thinking if I should go off the anime or freestyle this fan fiction. I personally like to freestyle because that way I can fit in more xreader characteristics but I was just wondering what you guys want. Alright, that's all for now. Bye my cakes! See you in the next chapter!

Alchemical Sparks (Ed x reader) (FMAB) - ON A PRETTY SOLID HIATUS Where stories live. Discover now