I sleep in Dark

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We took a wrong road and it ended well,

I thought that this could be heaven or this could be hell.

The room at the end of the house was submerged in darkness,

I heard a whisper saying 'are you afraid of the dark?'

I put a brave mask and said 'I'm afraid of what it holds'.

Laughter was sounded from everywhere,

I knew you were hiding somewhere,

I sleep in darkness every night but sometimes I want light.

Those eyes are scary, the monster is under my bed,

All this time he was just playing with my head,

Now I'm looking around and noticed it's all red.

I stepped in the tunnel of darkness and all I wanted was to be cared.

It took me many days to find a spark,

At the end of the tunnel I saw light
But you weren't there so I Cried;

Now I know that I better go home 'cause my mom must be worried,

But don't worry I will sleep in the dark again and wait for my light ,Who must be Roaming somewhere.

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