Chapter Two - Strong

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Jack’s POV

The doorbell rang. I smashed the arm of the chair and paused the Baltimore Ravens game on my television. I opened the door to see the postman. “Parcel for you Mr. Barakat.”

“Sweet.” I signed for the package and went to shut the door when the postman held the door open. “Hang on. I’ve got a letter for you all the way from England!” He handed me the letter. There was scrawny handwriting on the front. I knew exactly what this was. “Thanks dude.”

“No problem Mr. Barakat.” I shut the door behind me and made my way back over to my chair and sat down, looking over the envelope again. I best read it and get it over and done with. When I opened the envelope, I expected a letter full of messy handwriting and just a load of shit talk within it, but what this girl had written to me had actually moved me. The fact that her teacher had saved my name behind pacifically for her because she loves the band was super adorable. I grabbed a piece of lined paper and started writing back immediately. I wanted to know so much more about this girl and help her as much as I possibly could. Where do I start though. I guess I’ll just babble.

Hi Danni!

Thank you for being such a supportive fan of All Time Low for 7 years?! That’s incredible girl!

I’ll be truthful; when I opened the envelope I expected to find a letter full of shit and no meaning at all. Once I’d read the first line of your letter I immediately fell for you. You seem like a very adorable girl. I feel sorry for the life you have to live. If I could I would adopt you as my own and bring you over to live with me in Baltimore, Maryland. I can’t do that though obviously, which is slightly upsetting.

I can’t wait to hear more from you. Have you ever been to one of our concerts? Actually, have you ever even met us? If you haven’t I’m sure I could arrange something with the guys.

Can’t wait to hear back from you.

Stay strong.

Jack Barakat x

I put the letter in an envelope. As I went to seal it I had an idea. Maybe I should give her a bracelet or something that’ll make her feel safe? I rushed into my bedroom and looked among the many bracelets I had. Then there was a box I noticed in the corner and I remembered it vaguely as the 2 matching bracelets my ex girlfriend Holly had given me years ago before we broke up. I opened the box up and saw them both in there. I put one of them around my wrist and placed the other matching one inside the envelope. I then wrote an extra bit on the end of the letter.

Oh by the way, the bracelet that’s with this letter is a matching one to one that I wear on my wrist every day. So, whenever you don’t feel strong enough just look at the bracelet around your wrist and you’ll know me and the All Time Low guys are always with you. Also, here’s a photo of me hanging with Olivia the dog, peace out x

I slipped in the photo of Olivia and me and finally sealed it, placing a stamp in the corner, making sure it was the correct stamp so that it would arrive in England as fast as possible. I ran out the door and chased after the postman. “Hey dude, are you headed up town way?”

“Yeah, do you need something posting?”

“This letter. Please post it for me and be careful with it! I owe you dude.” I patted him on the back and ran back into the house, continuing to watch the Ravens game.

Danielle’s POV

It had been a day since I sent my letter off to Jack and I was getting nervous and excited. What if he hadn’t written back to me? What if he thought I was stupid? I sat down in tutor, yet again I was alone. “Right, I have some pen pal letters to hand out!” Miss Ward looked at me. “And yes Danielle, Jack wrote back to you.” I felt my heart stop beating. It literally felt like I couldn’t breathe. My hero had wrote back to me? Miss handed me the envelope and it felt like something was inside it as well as the letter. I tore it open and tipped it upside down, a bracelet falling out onto the table along with a photo and the letter. I looked at the photo and almost fell off my chair. This was real. This was all happening. I looked at the bracelet and it was so beautiful. I decided to read the letter before looking at them both in more detail.

Once I’d read over the letter I was shocked. He cared about me? He gave me a matching bracelet?! I was asking too many questions in my head right now. I put the bracelet on and looked at it, knowing he had the other matching one on his all the way over in America made my heart leap. I looked at the photo again of him and Olivia and sighed. Jack was so perfect and he made me so happy. The fact he said he could arrange something to let me meet the guys showed that he wasn’t a jerk. He was a really nice and honest guy. He was a real hero. Miss came over and sat beside me, examining my facial expressions. “Aw this is all so cute! I’m so glad to finally see you smiling like this Danielle.”

“Thank you for everything Miss.”

“You’re very welcome.”

At lunchtime I sat in the common room, staring at the bracelet Jack had given me in awe. I didn’t feel like eating because I was so happy that all I could feel was that emotion. My belly was grumbling but I just sat focusing on that bracelet the entire time. “What’s up with you and this bracelet?” Katie prodded me in the arm, looking at it. “Jack Barakat sent me it.” I let out a large sigh. “Someone’s falling in love.”

“Katie, I fell in love with Jack Barakat seven years ago darling.” We both laughed. “How’s stuff at home going by the way?”

“The usual. Nothing’s changed.” I twirled the string on the bracelet, trying to hold back everything I wanted to blurt out about home life. The common room wasn’t the best place to talk about it to be honest. “I’m always here to talk if you want to darling. I’m only a phone call away but I suppose writing letters to Jack Barakat is better isn’t it?” I nodded. “It is and it isn’t because I have to wait a whole day or so to receive them.” Mine and Katie’s conversation was interrupted by the sounds of the year 13 boys parading into the common room. “Oh for fuck sake, here we go.” I rolled my eyes, and pulled my knees up to my chest. They all stopped beside me. “Oh look, it’s the pathetic mess!”

“Shut up.”

“Katie don’t get involved, please.”

“But they’re saying you’re a pathetic mess!”

“I’m used to it.” They all looked down at me, smirking. They knew they had more power over me. Katie stood up, facing them. “Can you just go and piss off please?”

“Who the fuck are you?”

“I’m one of Danni’s friends and who the fuck are you to be hurting her for no valuable reason?” I shook my head. She was only making this worse for me. I stood up, slung my bag over my shoulder and walked out of the common room. I sat down on the bench outside, looking at the blue sky. “Everything seems to be getting fucking worse Jack. Why can’t you guys live in England instead?” I looked down at the bracelet hanging around my wrist. I pulled out the photo that was attached to the letter Jack had sent me and I immediately smiled. “You always know how to make me smile. I wish I was actually friends with you, but I know that’ll probably never happen.” I sighed, placing the photo back in my bag.

I’ve got to be strong. I’ve got to be.

My Pen Pal: Jack BarakatWhere stories live. Discover now