Chapter 1

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*Mitch's P.O.V.*

"Hello--," I was cut off by Jerome saying 'hello guys!' a split second after I started. I glared at him. 

"I thought that was my intro!" I whined. He grinned at me, wiggling his eyebrows.

"Sorry. I couldn't help it," he grinned at me, winking. I shook my head and rolled my eyes. Ty took over with a short laugh and explained to the viewers that we were giving them a full tour of the house, starting with outside. We walked outside and to the backyard. I looked around, still amazed about how big this place was. We sure did spoil ourselves.

In the backyard was a pool shaped like a peanut. Placed beside it was a shed filled to the brim with all kinds of pool toys and random things we put in it. Some of these things were noodles, nerf guns, spray guns, and beach balls. I looked at Jerome, who was pretending he was about to fall into the pool. I silently slid over to him, smiling mischeviously.

"Don't fall!" I shouted and grinned, giving him a little shove. He flapped his arms wildly as he fell face first into the water. The impact sounded hard, but, having done that on accident before, I knew it didn't hurt too bad. All of the boys, including Jerome, were laughing. I crouched beside the pool and held my hand out to help him back onto land. He took it and pulled himself forward, but once he was almost out he pulled back, causing me to topple into the pool after him. I almost drowned, I was laughing so hard. After getting us both out and into dry clothes, we continued with the tour. 

Along the pure white fence were different colored rose bushes, causing a wonderful aroma to drift into my nose. I gave them about two weeks to live, because we'd probably forget to water them, or something. We all depended on the rain to keep these guys alive.

The entry way was a very grand one. The mahogony double doors were polished and the glass in the middle of them was blurred, causing the inside to become distorted. The marble stair case that led up to them were wide and spread out. Jason stepped forward and pulled on the golden door handles, leading us all inside.

"This is the main lobby. It's basically where we dump all of our stuff when we come in," He said, guestering towards the cluttered tables. We all grinned sheepishly and headed into the kitchen. Jerome cleared his throat.

"This is my favorite room," he stated, causing all of us to laugh again.

"What? You like to cook?" I teased. He looked at me and gave me a pout face.

"No. I like to eat," he replied. We opened the fridge, showing all the food we had. We put all the kitchen appliances on the white marble island and showed them the giant vintage table we found on ebay.

Next, we went into the living room. The living room was actually quite small and cozy. The t.v. was a modest size, though we could have afforded one much larger. In a closet next to it was every gaming console that was in date. The middle height shelf was full of games sorted into what console they go to. The couch was so fluffy, I sank into it when I sat for the first time. In the corner was a small laptop to use in case of emergency; needing to look something up really fast, in case one of our computers messes up, ect., ect.

We decided to look at each other's rooms next. Everybody's looked pretty much the same except for Jerome's. Poor Jerome got the only different one. On the bed were white pillows with red sequened hearts on them. Pushed into the corner was something that had black little balls on it. He walked over to it and messed with one, causing it to break off.

"Oops," he said sheepishly, placing the little ball at the back of the tree. Once again, we were laughing. We went onto the balcony where Ty almost fell off, which caused us to start laughing again. We went and looked around at the extra rooms.

The three bathrooms we had were all the same. We never had to fight over them either because they contained two showers, baths, and sinks each. The towels were fluffy and white.

All of our offices were completely different. We all had different computers, different structures, different lighting, and different colors. We started with Ty's, since it was the first going down the hall.

Ty's office was painted black. When we first got here, he chose it and stayed in there for days. We had no idea what he was doing. When he came out, we went in there and saw the once black walls were splatter painted with neon colors. It definitely brought out his personality. By his computer was a shelf holding all of his headphones. He used different ones on different days.

Adam's office was painted and golden yellow color. It was kind of obvious as to why. As soon as we walked in, he smacked into the wall, flinging his arms out.

"BUDDER!" He screamed. We all laughed again. He had posters of his Minecraft skin taped everywhere and had a life replica of a golden ingot sitting on his desk.

My office was definitely different. I got it pure white and spent weeks in there repainting it. The careful strokes of the tiny paintbrush were obvious. The room now resembled the plaid of my black and red Minecraft hoodie. The clear shelf stretching along the entire wall behind my back was filled with little trinkets, Minecraft related or not Minecraft related. Three completed Minecraft lego sets were sitting in the middle. Above that on a different shelf was a picture of my mom hugging my little brother and first girlfriend, who was still a good friend.

When Jason got his office, it was a chalkboard green. True to its color, we got some chalk paint and doodled all over the walls. We put personality into his office and we were all really proud of it. A very large poster of all of us was hung along the back wall, picturing us all. Jerome ran out of the room, returning with a sharpie. We each wrote our name near our face.

Jerome's office was black as well, but the wall behind his back when he was sitting at his moniter was a red tie and a hint of a white undershirt. It was like the suit on his Minecraft character. Though this was amazing artwork, what caught my eye was the side wall. It was plastered with pictures of me and him. He had them from when we were young all the way up to our photoshoot from a few days ago. Not anywhere was another face but mine or his. I looked at him. This was the guy I was best friends with. Or your crush, came a small voice in my mind. I jumped. What? No. Jerome was a friend. A best friend. All of the sudden Jerome was in front of me, his face shining red.

"Mitch, I'm so sorry. I'll take them all down if you want me to. I can replace them with something else..." He broke off as Mitch hugged him. 

"No, Jerome. Thank you. I feel honored that I get a place in your office," I reassured, grinning at him. He looked somewhat relieved. The boys were looking at us strangely, so I clapped my hands. 

"Next office!" I said. We all walked to Ian's office. It was a boring beige color, but you wouldn't be able to tell with all of the posters and pictures plastered to the wall. There were a few Minecraft things, like the calander that hung beside his moniter, but there were a lot of non-minecraft things. A few were posters of different motorcycles and cars. A few of them were him and his friends from the military. A few of them were with us. Basically, he found pictures of things he liked and put them up.

Quentin's office was one of my favorite. It was a light blue color, so he took advantage of this and painted a forest ringing the room. The light blue was the sky and towards the bottom, he painted a dark blue, resembling a lake. The carpet he had was the same color as the dark blue paint, so it was like we were in the lake. It fit for the mudkip, or should I say the fish. 

"Nice office! It fits you, ya fish!" I said, knowing what his reaction would be like. He rolled his eyes and retorted.

"Mudkip! How many times do I have to say I am a mudkip!" We all started laughing for the umpteenth time, not able to contain it. We headed back to the living room to end the vlog. Ty started to close it up.

"So, that's it guys, I hope--," he was cut off when I jumped up.

"We have a meet-and-greet tomorrow at three tomorrow! It's at Referrie Plaza!" I said in a rush, in case Ty went on.

"Oh, yeah. Thanks, Mitch!" Ty grinned. He was about to click the camera when I jumped up again.

"Thanks so much, you guys! We'll hopefully see you tomorrow! See ya when I see ya! Peace!"

And with that, Ty closed the camera.

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