Papyrus and Sans (when you fight for them)

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Your battle song
"Listen... I know this place is a hell hole... I know some monsters were brutal... believe me... I know..." the human held their knife as you talked, you were wearing Sans's jacket and Papyrus's scarf. "Y O U D I D N T H A V E T O K I L L M Y F A M I L Y...."  You fired your Gaster Blasters first, dodging their knife while firing bones. Both your eyes were flaring red in anger, you dodged their knife and pushed them back with your magic, making them hit the walls and floor.

You then did something only you could do in the family, your eyes were flaring red like a wild fire as you sent fire at the human. You started to sweat from until the human swiped you, getting your rib cage. "Heh... I.. I lost... Well... I'm going to Gr..Grillby's... Sans... Pa..Papyrus... want anything..?" You turned to dust, you were falling, you gasped when you saw Papyrus and Sans. You entered their hug and started to cry, "I missed you!" Sans and Papyrus hugged you tightly before the reset came.

You woke up in your bed. Snow in Snowdin.

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