Papyrus (When you are sad)

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It wasn't even six and you were awake. It was almost five and you were hugging the slightly worn out teddy bear Papyrus gave you. 'Stop being a FUCKING kid and get something done!' Sans's words echoed in your skull as you hugged your teddy bear tighter. "(Y/N)?" You looked at Papyrus who was in his day off clothes. Red sweater and black pants. You putted your fave in your teddy as Papyrus walked over to you. "(Y/N), WHATS WRONG?" You sigh and mumbled "Sans is forcing me to grow up..." into the fake fur of the small bear.

Papyrus hugged you gently before getting an idea. "DO YOU REALLY THINK IM GOING TO LEAVE MY YOUNGER SISTER SAD?" Papyrus asked as he teasingly poked your ribs. Oh no! NOT YOUR WEAK SPOT! You curled up and tried not to giggle. "IM NOT LEAVING UNTIL YOU LAUGH (Y/N)! AS YOUR OLDER BROTHER, I WANT TO HEAR YOU LAUGH!" Now Papyrus held you on his lap with one hand as the other one kept poking and wiggling at your ribs. You were violently struggling as a few giggled escaped you, Papyrus putted some of his fingers in the spaces of your ribs and did the worst possible thing EVER! He wiggled his fingers there, you screamed in laughter and tried to kick one of his legs. "STOP IT, YOU ASS!" You yelled through your laughter, Papyrus just wrestled and tickled you until he was ontop and facing you.

You squealed as he tickled both sides of your rib cage. "NOHOHOHOHOHO!" Papyrus kept his shit eating smile as you squirmed and laughed. "ARE YOU FEELING BETTER? OR DO I HAVE TO GET SANS TO HELP?" "I'M HAPPY! NOW STOP!" Papyrus lifted his hands and got off you, you were still giggling from feeling the tickles in your ribs. "IM GLAD YOURE BETTER. NOW, GET READY FOR PATROL." Papyrus ordered, leaving you so you could get changed.

You knew deep in your soul that Papyrus was kind, that's why he cheered you up.

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