Love In A Dark Dangerous World

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*** PROLOGUE ***

It was night, wich made me even more scared than I already was. I had been running away from whatever was following me for about 20 minutes. No matter how fast I ran, I couldn't loose them. I didn't know where I was at anymore but I knew that I wasn't close to my house. I looked behind me, I was running out of energy.

It was probably past midnight. I closed my eyes and kept running. 'Left, right, left, right. Go faster!' I told myself. I now opened my eyes and stoped running as I saw that there was no way out of here, I was trapped inside an alley. There was a wall infront of me, the only way out was to run the opposite direction but it was already there. I was stuck, maybe even dead.

The shadows came towards me. I started shaking, I was scared. Who knew what they could do?

"Please don't let it kill me, I'm too young to die!" I silently prayed.

"Do not fear my friend." It told me.

"Who- what are you?" I asked it.

"That's what they allways ask me." It laughed.

"Are y-you going to answer them?" I tried to sound unafraid but sadly, I could not. They had me surrounded. Many of them.

"Well, Evely, my name is Sheldon. To answer your other question I am a devils sould or as you humans call us- shadow people."

"Are you here to take my soul?"

"No dear Evelyn. Not your soul. I'm just here to warn you."

"Warn me of what?"

"Your granddaughter."

"My granddaughter? I'm only 13!" I exclaimed, "I don't even have a daughter yet."

"Yes, I know Evelyn. Your grandmother made a deal with my boss, the Devil." He explained, "As you see, one out of every 10,000 peoples soul will belong to the devil. He chose your grandma, she was 14 by then but she refused so she convinced him to take your granddaughters sould when she turns 14."

I was shocked. He knew my future. My granddaughter would only live to be 14. But he might be lying. I might be hallucinating. I probably was, right? But I knew I wasn't hallucinating. This 'shadow person' was really here, infront of me. The only way for this to not happen was for me to not have a daughter at all.

"I will never have any kids." I whispered to him.

The shadow stood still then moved towards the ground. I took a step back then the shadow turned into a human. A human! What type of black magic was this? Was I being tricked or something like that? He was clearly a huma though. He had 2 arms, 2 legs, 2 very dark blue eyes, dark brown hair...

"How do you know this?"

"I have told you- the devil is my boss."

"He cain't possibly tell you my future."

"What do you mean?"

"Well... What if I die tomorrow? Or before I even become pregnant?"

"That's why he sent me." He explained.

"Like a bodyguard?"

"Yes, but I will hide in your shadow. Nobody can know about me. Now, go home. You need rest after all that running."

I slowy walked back with my new bodyguards, but I did not feel safe at all. The devils Soul was my 'bodyguard'. Who would feel safe with that bodyguard? This could be black magic. They could kill me.

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