He gave me a look as he walked to the microwave, which told me to drop the subject.

I did; for the time being.

The microwave beeped and Corey took out the two glasses, hooking a finger through the handles and carrying them with one hand to the counter.

“You know what tastes good?” He questioned, setting down the mugs and then turning to the cabinets behind him.

“What?” I looked on curiously.

“A dash of cinnamon,” He turned around holding a small jar.

  “In blood?” I questioned apprehensively, watching as he added a dusting of the cinnamon power to each mug.

“Yeah,” He handed me one.

“I’m not really thirsty…” I eyed the mug in his outstretched hand.

 “You look like a zombie. Just drink the damn blood.” He gave me a look that left no room to argue, and I took the glass from him and cradled it in my hands.

I was well aware of the fact that I looked a bit like death on a doorstep; between not sleeping much lately, and not drinking blood the past few weeks, I was really looking like the walking dead, with my colorless skin, pale lips, and the bruises under my eyes. It was getting harder to try and do tricks with makeup to make myself look lively and…human.

I should ask Ivy for tips; they were quite good at making themselves appear un-dead.

“Drink,” Corey prompted, lifting his own mug to his lips.

It was a weird day when my vampire boyfriend looked more alive than I did.

His skin was paler than milk, but it had a creamy color, it looked beautifully flawless and I had marveled at his skin since I’d met him. I thought maybe I would get the same shade of porcelain as he had when I changed, but mine was ashen, and deathly. I didn’t care for it very much.

I sipped at the blood; the cinnamon added a warm spice that I tasted on the way down. After a couple sips I decided that I liked it; and I continued drinking it with larger swallows.

 My thirst for blood was…strange. At first it had been overwhelming; and I had easily downed two or three bottles of blood in a single day; not to mention the lusting I did after necks, though I never bit anyone. I certainly did get the urge often.

But the past few weeks my thirst had waned, and instead I was just hungry all the time for food.

Corey had to remind me to drink blood, but I usually turned my nose up at it.

I didn’t even stare longingly at a human neck anymore; I barely noticed my bloodlust. It was almost…unsettling.

The blood went down smooth, and filled me with warmth, I could almost feel the blood pulse through my cold veins, and my heartbeat felt stronger.

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