I look up and I almost fall into a lake.

I'm lucky Ethan warned me.

"Hey, you okay?"

"Yea... I'm fine." I say trying to comprehend what just happened.

"We're here"

"WHERE ARE WE?!!" Sofia says getting out of my grip and standing up.

The shot didn't last for long.

Sophia's P.O.V.

I stand in front of an shocked Ethan and Grayson and a beautiful house.

The house was very cabin like and modern, which is very home like for me

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The house was very cabin like and modern, which is very home like for me.

The lake was so big and clear. The amount of space to roam around here was incredible.

Maybe enough space to even escape...

The house had a very cozy feeling.

"Okay let's go inside" Ethan says grabbing me by the wrist dragging me inside and Grayson follows.

I pull away from Ethan's grip.

"I can walk myself to the house"

Ethan stands there frustrated and impatient.

"Whatever." He says storming inside.

I look at Grayson confused.

"Is he always like this?"

"Not really, he just has a short temper."

"Ohhh..." I say awkward.

"Let's go inside."


Grayson leads me to the front door and I felt so weird that he was just nice all of a sudden.


"Hey you remembered my name"
He says smiling. He looked kinda cute.

Even for a criminal.

"What's wrong Sophia?"

"And you remembered my name" I say laughing.

To be honest it wasn't funny but I just... I don't know.

"Grayson? Why are you so nice to me? You brought me, you should be disrespecting me, beating me, saying unpleasant things... I kicked you in the balls... why all of a sudden your nice?"

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