Chapter 78: My Nephew's Keeper

Start from the beginning

Xaphile's shoulders tensed as he stared at the hulking man before him, stupidly taking in his features.

That proud, eagle nose... those thin lips... those fierce blue-green eyes...

His hair abruptly stood on end and his tail fluffed out as the frigidity of an emotional shock swept through him.

"P-Papka?" he squeaked, mouth trembling violently.

The one before him was, without a doubt, his father.

Only, he had hair.

Instead of the familiar clean-shaven face and head, his father had curly jet black hair and wild sideburns. Not to mention, he was also a faery with horns, the tail, and large ebony wings that looked exactly like his own.

Xaphile watched as he approached, feeling a mixture of cold shock and strange relief.

"What did you call me?" his father's doppelganger casually questioned. "Papka?"

"I was told you were dead!" Xaphile interrupted, shaking his head. "The Grand Mother... she said that my little brother and I were the last! She said that you were dead! Even Ella and Gus said you were dead! It doesn't make sense! Does this mean they actually lied to everyone?!"

Olag's eyes narrowed, then something within them sparked and a slow smile spread across his lips.

"So, you figured it out, did you?" he questioned, spreading his arms. "Come here, my son. It has been a long time since I've seen you. I would embrace you."

Xaphile froze, not believing his ears, and as a cold shiver ran through him, he took a step back, regarding the man with mistrust.

"Embrace... me?" he asked, swallowing. "You're... you're not going to hit me, are you?"

A strange expression swept across his dad's face.

"Hit you?" he inquired, tilting his head. "Now, why would you ask something like that?"

Xaphile's mouth snapped shut and he winced.

Maybe his father on Atlas was different than the one on Earth?

Maybe... his dad on this world didn't hate him?

An unbelievable amount of hope and odd yearning filled him at the thought and slowly, ever so slowly, he began to walk forward. Shoulders hunched up to his ears, he took one step at a time until he was standing directly in front his father's hulking figure. His heart flinched when he was roughly jerked forward, but instead of being harmed, he was pulled into a casual one-armed embrace.

A strong hand patted his back, emanating unfamiliar warmth, and that heat broke him a little.

Not once since his mother's passing... not even once had his father ever hugged him.

A flood filled his eyes and he lunged forward, clinging to his father with shaking arms.

"Papka..." he croaked, shivering. "You're really alive!"

"Of course I'm alive," Olag snorted, "but first, I need to know the truth. Are you really my son? I was informed that you have somehow become human."

Xaphile felt his heart sink.

Letting go and taking a step back, he lifted his eyes and met his father's gaze clearly.

"Yes, and no," he said slowly. "I am Xaphile, but whether or not I'm the same one you knew, I'm not exactly sure."

"You're not sure? Why?"

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