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Trial date

My flight had just gotten in. I rushed to the courthouse. I walked in and they were still talking. I sat by my sister.

"Finally." She whispered.

"Sorry my flight was delayed." I said.

"It seems to be going good." She said.

"Where is Kali'?" I asked looking around.

"She said she would be a little late." She said.


"Your honor we would like to bring up 4 character witness' to speak about Ms. Thames." My lawyer said.

"I will allow it call your first witness." He said.

"Her grandmother Althea Thames." My lawyer said.

"Hello Mrs. Thames, you may begin when your ready." The judge said.

"My granddaughter is an independent woman. I raised her since she was 3. She could never do what you are accusing her of. I have never seen a young woman with so much against her come out on top. Even with being a teenage mother she strived to do the best for her and her daughter. Do not send her to prison for a crime she did not commit. A mother needs to be home with her daughter." She said.

"Thank you Mrs. Thames."  My lawyer said.

"Who is next?" The judge asked.

"Her soon to be sister in law Natalie Prescott Smith." My lawyer said.

"When you're ready Mrs. Smith." The judge said.

"I have known Kayla since she was 14 which is when her and my brother met. Kayla was always outgoing and always out people before herself. For her to be wrongfully accused of a crime such as this is unheard of. Kayla did not do this. So I hope you can find it in the evidence that she was just in the wrong place at the wrong time." She said.

"Next." The judge said.

"Her brother August Thames." The lawyer said.

"My sister is the baby of the family. She took a tough road and its making her better person. She thought she was going out for a night of fun but it turned ugly real quick. She doesnt need to be rotting in a cell for something she didnt do. She needs to be home with her child and boyfriend. Attending school so she can do right by her child. My neice doesnt need to grow up without a mother." He said.

"Thank you August." My lawyer said.

"Who is the last one?" The judge asked.

"Kali' Thames her sister."


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