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Trial Date

I have been in jail for almost 2 years waiting on trial. I missed a lot with Dreamah. She started school. When she would come visit she would show me her little drawing and what she had done that week.

"Okay is everyone here?" The judge asked.

"Yes your honor." My lawyer said.

"Okay what are the charges?" He asked.

"2nd degree murder and leaving the scene." The other lawyer said.

"Which charge is the defense fighting?" The judge asked.

"2nd degree murder." My lawyer said.

"Ms. Thames are you in agreence?" The judge asked.

"Yes your honor." I said.

"Okay plead your case." He said.

"My client was wrongfully charged. She was indeed not the one that had the gun. She was not the one that shot Mr.Johns. she was accompanied that night by Kae Simon who has since then been MIA." My lawyer said.

"Okay does the people have any ubjection?" He asked.

"Yes we do if Ms. Thames was indeed not the shooter why did she evade the scene?" The lady said.

"Ms. Thames take the stand please." The judge said.

"Ms. Thames why did you evade the scene that night?" The woman asked.

"I was only 18 I have a child I was scared to be honest. I had never been in a situation like that." I said.

"But isnt it true you and your boyfriend got into a physical altercation causimg the cops to be called? So you had been in a situation with the cops before." She said.

"Objection relevance?" My lawyer said.

"The jury with disreguard that last statement." The judge said.

"Does the people have any further questions." The judge asked.

"No sir we rest." She said.

"You make take your seat Ms. Thames." The judge said.

"Your honor I would like to bring in exhibit A." My lawyer said.

"Go ahead." He said.

"Ladies and gentlemen of the jury this is a video from that night from the convient store across the street." My lawuer said.

"You can clearly see the gun being handed to ms. Thames. Mr. Johns is already on the ground. So Ms. Thames could not have shotten him. You also see another figure running away." My lawyer said.

"That could be fake." The lady said.

"Here is a statement signed by the owner of the store stating the authenticity of the tape." My lawyer said.


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