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I don't care to do skipping time but I think it would be boring to go through all the jail processing.
1 month later

I had gotten me and Dreamah set up in our apartment in Mississippi. I had a break so I decided to go back down to Louisiana and visit Kayla. I got to the jail and walked in.

P.s- I do not know exactly how visitation works. I have not been in or visited a jail. Don't plan to do it either.

"Here to visit Kayla Thames." I said.

"Okay are you on the form?" She asked.

"I should be Rayne Prescott." I said knowing she would have it under my real name.

"Okay and I take it this is Dreamah Prescott?" She said.

"Yes ma'am." I said.

"Okay take a seat we will call you shortly." She said.

I took a seat and waited to be called. After I was called they brought me into a room. I sat down a waited a little longer. They brought Kayla in in handcuffs and shackles.

"How are you?" I asked.

"Would be better if I weren't in here." She said.

"Have you spoke to your lawyer?" I asked.

"Yeah I have a trial date set for next week." She said.

"I will try to make it." I said.

"Thank you." She said.

"Kayla do you believe me when I say I got you?" I asked.

"Of course you have been with me this far. I really appreciate it Dak." She said.

"Please act like your coming home and not like you gone be in here for life." I said.

"Dak I would if I knew I was coming home. I got caught with a gun charge for some bitch who I thought was my friend." She said.

"Kayla it will work out just have faith." I said.

"I have faith, its not like they can ask the guy who shot him. He dead and you know that hoe anit coming in there and say she did it. Dak I have a kid I cant be in jail for her life." She cried.

"Baby I got you, you will come home. You will be in our daughters life. She is only 2. She loves her mom." I said.

"Ma-my." Dreamah said reaching for Kayla

"Can I please hold my child?" She asked the jailer.

"I guess only for a little though." She said uncuffing Kayla.

I handed her Dreamah and she broke down.

"Can I hug my girlfriend?" I asked.

She nodded and I got up and hugged her.

"I got you mama. I got you."

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