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This was requested by jhilby47

Max X Cheese

21st century AU

(Max's POV)

Being the owner of a bar isn't so bad. I get to serve drinks to people, I get tips, I occasionally have a drink for myself. It has its perks.

"Here you go sir." I said handing someone the drink they ordered.

"Thanks." The guy said. He stayed at the bar and continued talking with his buddies.

There weren't that many people at the bar tonight. Given that it was during the week. The only people here were the group I served and a lone woman sitting by herself messing around with her glass. I was washing some of the glasses when I looked over at the girl. Some guy was clearly trying to hit on her but she wanted nothing to do with him.

"I don't talk to losers. So go away." She said to the guy. The guy laughed and left probably thinking that she is missing out. I noticed her glass was empty so I walked over to her.

"Want another refill?" I asked.

"Sure." The lady said.

"So what brings you here tonight?" I asked, taking her glass to refill it.

"Just wanted a change for once. To do something out of the normal loop for once."

I filled her glass and handed it back to her. She grabbed it and took a drink of it.

"If you don't mind me asking, what's your name?" I asked.

"Why do you want to know?" She asked.

"It's not everyday that a beautiful woman comes into my bar. So I'd like to get to know you more."

"You can call me Cheese. It's what my friends call me sometimes." Cheese said.

"Okay Cheese. Shall we make a toast?" I asked filling myself a shotglass.

"Won't your boss get upset that you are taking some of the drinks?" Cheese asked.

"I can't get mad at myself about this. Now how about that toast?"

Cheese smiled and picked up her shotglass. "Here's to finding happiness." Cheese said drinking her shot of alcohol.

"I'm looking at my happiness right now." I said then drank the shot of alcohol.

Cheese looked at me then grabbed a napkin and write her number on it with a pen. Once she was done she handed it to me.

"How much for the drinks?" She asked.

"It's on the house."

"Thank you." Cheese said. She walked out of the bar and I put the napkin with her number on it in my pocket.

What a great night.

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