Classmates part 4

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Happy late-ish Halloween to my readers!!! I wanted to do a small Halloween edition of a One-Shot but I didn't want to think of a new one so I figured this is the best One-Shot to apply the Halloween special to it. So the next part of "Classmates" will be the Halloween special.

Jacob X Max

High school AU

(Jacob's POV)

Once Caleb and I got back to class I told the teacher that I got lost trying to find the classroom again and he believed it. I sat down and finished my assignment then continued to talk to Caleb for the rest of class.

The bell rang signaling the end of fourth period and the start of lunch. Caleb walked towards the cafeteria while I peeled off going towards the student parking lot. I could feel everyone staring at me while I was walking to the parking lot. As I at the parking lot I saw Adam leaning against what I'm assuming to be his car. He saw me and got a devious grin on his face. He and his crew walked over to me and surrounded me.

"Hey! If it isn't my favorite freshmeat. Where ya going? Huh?" Adam said.

"To see someone. Now can you guys let me go?" I asked.

"Can we let you go? Can we let you go? How about no. Now take a seat." Adam said pushing me to the ground. I fell on my back landing on my backpack. Adam stepped on both of my feet with his to make it more difficult to get back up.

"Why do you always have to bother me Adam?" I asked.

"Because I want to." Adam replied.

"Hey! Adam! What are you doing?" Max yelled.

Adam turned to him and stepped off of my feet.

"Hey Max. I was just helping this freshman up because he tripped." Adam lied.

"Bull shit. Stop bullying my boyfriend." Max said.

My eyes widened. His boyfriend. He called me his boyfriend.

"Wait a minute. You're dating this freshman?" Adam asked.

Max held his hand and and helped me up.

"Yeah I am. So stop pestering him." Max said.

"So... are we going to lunch Max?" I asked.

"Yeah let's go. We'll see you next period Adam." Max said.

We turned and walked away. A big crowd of upperclassmen gathered around to watch. Stares from all around giving me the chills. I had my hands in my pockets, but Max pulled one of my hand out of my pocket and held my hand, our fingers intertwining. I could feel myself smiling wildly. Once we got to Max's car we got inside then Max started to drive off.

"Did you mean what you said back there?" I asked.

"About what?" Max asked.

"About me being your boyfriend."

"Yeah. Why would I lie about that." Max said.

"I just thought you said that just to get Adam to stop bothering me."

"I would never lie about that. Besides, we like each other so why not start dating?" Max said.

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