The Request part 1

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Jacob X Barney

I'm sure you all are excited to see this one-shot pairing ever since the ending of The Battle for Mithzan

This was requested by Heros_daughter

Medieval times AU

(Jacob's POV)

I snuck around through the woods. Jumping from tree to tree, branch to branch. Making sure I made no sound at all. Being a trained assassin takes skill, precision, and swiftness all while being quiet. I approached my target  who was on a horse going to the next city. I grabbed one of my kunai and was readying myself to strike. And in one swift motion I threw the kunai striking the back of my targets head killing him instantly. Accomplished, I headed back to my hideout to accept my pay.

I made my way back to the tavern where I was given the task and waited for my client to arrive with the gold coins I was promised. Eventually he showed up with the ten gold coins he promised. He dropped them and then left without a word. I grabbed a coin and started to admire the shine it gave off.

(Barney's POV)

"Good evening Prince John." One of the commoners said.

"Why hello Prince John." Another commoner said.

"Out for an evening stroll are we Prince John?" A store clerk said.

I was on my way to the assassin. I have a task for him. I've heard he is the best around and never lets a target live. I need him to take out someone which requires high skill level. I walked inside the tavern and was given looks by all the commoners. I walked over to the owner who was at the bar.

"Prince John! What a surprise. What can I getcha? A drink? Some beer perhaps?" The owner said.

"I need to talk to the assassin. I know he's here." I said.

The owner's smile dropped from his face, he knows that you can't disobey royalty.

"Follow me then." The owner said.

He led me to the storage room where all the drinks were kept. The room was lit by torches and the owner grabbed one of the torches mounted on the wall and pulled down on it revealing a door.

"He's right through here Prince John." The owner said.

"Thank you kind sir."

I took a deep breath then opened the door to see the assassin sitting at a table admiring cold coins.

"Well well well. What do we have here? If it isn't Prince John himself. What can I do for you Prince?" The assassin said with a smirk.

"I need a request." I said.

"Whatever you need. Information, a take out, or even decimation. Just name it."

"I need you to kill someone."

"Just give me a target and I'll take them out for you."

"I need you to kill... My father."

(Jacob's POV)

"Kill the king? Are you nuts?" I asked the Prince.

"My father has gotten too old to rule anymore and still he is too stubborn to step down and let me rule like he should have many years ago. So I need you to kill him for me." Prince John explained.

"You've gone mad. But I need something from you in return. How many gold coins are you willing to offer?" I asked.

"How many do you want?" Prince John asked.

"One thousand. Exact."

"No way. I'm not giving you one thousand gold coins." Prince John said.

"Then I'm not killing the King. You're asking me to take out the ruler of the kingdom just so you can become king. I'll shave down the price if I get something else from you in return. Besides, I know you want this. I do my research." I said taunting him.

Prince John gave a smirk then grabbed the collar of my shirt pulling me in for a rough kiss. His beard scratching at my chin. Prince John pulled away giving me a smirk.

"And I do my research as well, Jacob the assassin." Prince John said.

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