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*Third person POV*

Throughout 5 months the two young boys had shared incredible and un forgettable moments. Sure.. Harry had a few problems with trust issues but Louis found ways to prove to Harry that he loved him a massive amount and that would never change. Their was also a few run-ins with non other than the famous Zayn Malik, he had said a few offensive words, threw a few punches but they always got threw those small things. They were strong together. The boys had also told their familes about there sexuality and their relationship because they felt it was time, they felt as though it was really getting serious. Of course both of their familes were happy about the relationship, though Harrys mother was a little un easy at first.. not wanting Louis to hurt her baby boy but Louis eventually earned her trust back.

Sometimes Harry would have those dreams again, ones of Louis leaving him for Zayn but Louis would always convince him that he loved him and him only but in the back of Harrys mind, he still felt that way.. like something was off. When he was with Louis those thoughts would dissapear because he really made him feel so special.. he treated him just like a prince but sometimes when Harry was alone he would think of those thoughts.. having flashbacks and odd dreams.. sometimes he wondered if they meant something. 

The love that Harry felt for Louis was real.. For Harry, Louis was his first everything.. his first kiss.. his first time at sex.. Harry trully trusted Louis and it was really hard for Harry to trust people so it took alot for Louis to gain that trust from Harry and believe me.. wasnt easy. They would have a few fights over it.. Louis got frusatrated but it all turned out okay. Harrys full frust was in him. He had trruly gained it and Harry hoped that he wouldnt break it again.

Everything about Louis made Harrys heart flutter.. His eyes were just.. perfect. They were the color of a clear ocean before a storm, In just a second you could get lost in them.. When you look in them its almost like time stops, their that beautiful. His smile.. His smile was so bright, so beautiful.. His body.. so petite and small, and just plain cute.. He was the most adorable kitten you could ever see. The way he treated Harry.. The way he made him feel inside. The feeling that Harry got when Louis just simply touched his skin made him feel like he was on cloud nine. You may think this is just some high school rubbish but thats not how they felt.. They thought for sure that they were... soulmates.

They spent every moment of the day together.. They talked about everything together.. No secrets were held between the two. They even discussed Uni.. they decided that they were going to wait another year before they applyed places.. They decided that they would take that year and explore together.. just have some fun before having to go to school all year. 

Their one year anniversary date was slowly creeping up on the calender and Louis had something very special planned.. and special it will be...

AN: Wow, over already? It was awesome with you guys helping supporting this book! i am so happy witha ll the reads and votes! Yes there will be a sequel and it should be up in the next week!

The Bully in Love ( Larry Stylinson Jock! Louis Nerd! Harry )Where stories live. Discover now