Chapter 14.

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* Harry's POV*

I walked into the school with a new found confidence. I ignored many laughs and stares and went straight to my locker. I was finally happy again and believe me. I've missed the feeling, Now that Louis was mine, my world was complete. I couldn't wait for that kiss... That wonderful, magical kiss... Showing everyone that Louis was mine, and I was his.

Once I had my things from my locker I made my way to my first period, seeing a trailing alone Louis coming my way, I smiled widely at him. He grabbed my hand and looked at me... was he really going to do this? It was seconds before people crowded around us, wanting to see a fight or wondering why our hands were in eachothers... I looked at Lou and smiled and saw him smiling back. I slowly started to lean in before feeling his lips on mine, I heard gasps from students then a evil laugh coming from Zayns mouth. I felt Louis' lips tear from mine then opened my eyes to see him smirking at me.

Please don't tell me this is happening.

Please Lou.

"Awh, really think Louis was really going to kiss a weak faggot like you and mean it? You are so gullible Harry.. Such an idiot" He growled.

My world was falling down... That magic was now gone, I wasn't happy anymore.... I was wrong, it was a sick joke. Why did I ever believe him? Why didn't I save myself from the hurt? It hurt so bad.. I couldn't even explain it.... I felt like my heart was ripped out of my chest. All I kept thinking was how worthless I was too Louis. I was nothing on this earth. I couldn't explain my hurt. I didn't know how to react.

I stared at Louis blankly, many tears running down my cheeks, by now practically the whole school was crowded around us.

"You promised. I thought we were okay...We were never okay, You lied." I Croaked out. I didn't know what else to say, I didn't know how to feel.

"Get over yourself Harold. Just go fucking die, you were stupid to think last night was something." He looked at me like I was some kind of hideous animal, that's what I was.

"Maybe I will."

Those were the only words that were spoken before I ran out of the school, myself crying hard and searching for air. Pain was running threw my body, why did he do this? What did I do to deserve this pain? I wanted to scream at him for causing me this pain, but at the same time I just wanted to go to him and cry, asking him for his love... begging him.

So many thoughts were rushing threw my mind like crazy... So many thoughts. Maybe I should just accept the fact that Louis would never love me.. Maybe I should just accept the fact that I was nothing in this world and everyone knew it. More importantly.. Louis knew it. Maybe I should just give him what he has always wanted.

Me gone.

AN: A very shitty shower chapter, my apologies. DONT SHOOT ME FOR THE ENDING. Next chapter will be long, this was really bad... Sorry. :3

The Bully in Love ( Larry Stylinson Jock! Louis Nerd! Harry )Where stories live. Discover now