Chapter 6.

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*Harrys POV*

That school day dragged on.. Louis threw a punch.. And mean words, it was less than usual which was weird and I didn't know why but he was supposed to come over after school, it's not like I wanted him here.. I did but I didn't.. with Louis it was confusing, I hated to love him.. It's like I'm the only one who knows the real him, the sweet BooBear I once knew.. not this prick that has a rep of making peoples lives worse..




*Louis' POV*

I knocked on his door. God, do I hate being here, this fucker...

I gave him a look I discust, but actually he looked pretty.... hot, his hair.. all loose and curly- WHAT THE FUCK LOUIS!? YOU SHOULD NOT BE THINKING THOSE THINGS ABOUT THIS FAG.

No, not pretty, ugly... he's ugly Louis... I tried hard to get that threw my head but god damn.. He was good looking.

The rest of that went along just swimmingly...  He was acting all gay the whole time and couldn't go a sentence without stuttering, Why was he so nervous? God, he was assloads of annoying.

It was fine until he brought up us...  I refuse to talk about him and I.. And he knew that. 

"L-louis, I don't g-get why y-you hate me.. we-we were best friends, why can't we just push that behind? I- I miss you.. The old y-"

"No!," I've had enough with his bullshit. ", You know why!? Becuse I'm not friends with fags! I hate you because you told me you loved me! BOYS DONT LIKE BOYS! It's not right! Why can't you see you aren't fucking normal?" I screamed at him, almost feeling... guilty? 

I looked in his now tear filled eyes, I watched his tears spill over..

I just watching him cry for a while... is this really what he does when he gets home from school every day? he cries like this? he looked so.. fragile... So broken, did I do this? Did I make him this way? I try to ignore the fact that I could eer do something like that to someone... but no..

It's all coming back...

I do this everyday, to Harry and others... I make them feel like shut about themselves, like a total dick...

I sigh and go over to harry.. slowly wrapping my arms around him, feeling him flinch, I rubbed his back to reassure him I wouldn't do anything, he shoved his head into my chest... clutching onto my shirt, I could swear his knuckles were white, I didn't like hearing him cry like this, It made me feel so bad...

"Shhh.. Harry, shh, Its okay..."

It didn't care at this moment at what I was doing, it was crazy, I hate Harry but he needed comfort... and I was the only one there to give him it.... Was I  falling for this boy?

The Bully in Love ( Larry Stylinson Jock! Louis Nerd! Harry )Where stories live. Discover now