Chapter 6 - Jihoon's side of the story

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**Earlier today**

Jihoon's POV

This morning Ukwon and his friends came to my house and said they wanted to talk to they talked I listened to what they had to say. They had asked me to join a band they were going to start with his friends. He wanted me to join that band as a rapper and vocalist. But they said I had to stop hanging around and being friends with Minji. My best friend. I'm her ONLY friend. So of course I said no.

They had really wanted me to join their band as they said they needed someone with a deep voice and of course I have that voice. I thought about it for a couple of hours. I decided I would join them under one condition. I still get to be friends and hang out with Minji but when I'm free. At least this way I still get to be here for her but just not as often. I grabbed my phone out of my pocket and dialled Ukwon's number he gave me.


"Hey it's Jihoon. I have come to a decision but under on condition. I will join your band and group of friends if IF I can still be friends and hang out with Minji but only when I'm free and if you's leave her alone. Like stop bullying her. Deal?"

"Aish... fine BUT right now come chill with us! At my house! I'll text you my address. See ya shortly"

"Cool! Okay see ya"

I got his message with the address then set out of my house heading to his house.

- 20 minutes later -

After walking for 20 minutes I arrived at a big house. Ukwon's house was big like mine but not as big. I walked up to the door and knocked on it. And few seconds later Ukwon opened the doer and gestured me in towards a room which I'm guessing is his bedroom. There is saw all the guys Zico, Jaehyo, B-bomb, Taeil and Kyung, sitting on bean bags and chairs in the room.

"Hey there Jihoon" Kyung said.

"Sup Jihoon. Come have a seat on the bean bags with us" Zico gestured for me to come sit with him and Taeil on the bean bags. I walked over to them and sat on one.

"What do we want to do guys. For celebration of becoming a band and a new member!" Ukwon suggested.

"Let's come up with a name for the band then let's go egg some houses!!" B-bomb suggested. Which everyone agreed to. So we spent the next 2 hours trying to come up with a band name and a name for me. So we came up with Block B as the group band name and P.O for my name.

We finished up in Ukwon's room and we left to go buy eggs to go egg some houses. We had been egging a lot of random houses and we almost got caught at the last house we were just at but me and Ukwon made a run for it. We had been running a while and up ahead we saw a girl it looked to be Minji.

I said to Ukwon "Hey let's hid in these bushes here and we can scare Minji by jumping out at her"

So we hid in the bushes and waited for her to come closer. We were quietly giggling about when she was right in front of the bushes.

"BOO!!!" We screamed at her making her jump back frightened and screaming.

"YAH!!! ARE YOU TRYING TO KILL ME!!!!" She screamed.

BaD BoY// Ukwon // Block BWhere stories live. Discover now