Hard Day

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I woke up to the sun shinning bright through the window. I turn on my side to see the bed was empty. Zen must of left to do some paperwork. I got up and went to the bathroom, but it was locked. What the heck? I went back to sit down and soon Zen came out of the bathroom shirtless." Zen!" I say surprised." Good morning my princess." He said and walked over and kissed my forehead." Sorry I thought you left." I said." It's okay I was going to get dress and leave when I was done in their actually." He said." Okay." I answered." What time is it Zen?" I asked. He looked looked at his poker watch." Umm 9:30." He answered." 9:30!" I say jumping up." I need to get dressed right now!" I say graving clothes and heading for the washroom the take a quick shower and change." Why?" He asked. Mitsuhide and Kiki didn't tell him I got a job as a cook." I'll explain later!" I say ruining to the washroom and slamming the door.

After my shower I got dressed into some brown boots, white leggings, and a white skirt the goes to my knees and a white shirt sleeve shirt and I put over on top a cooks jacket that I got from my boss yesterday. It was white and had long sleeves. With four big buttons in the middle. I put my hair into a bun. I walked out of the washroom to see Zen has left already. I walk over and made the bed. I then walk out of the room. Their was a pocket watch in the pocket of my cook jacket. I open it to check the time. 9:55. I closed the watch and ran down the hall and down the stairs to the second floor trying to hurry. I don't want to be late on my first day of work! I ran through the halls till I made it to the kitchen." Ah good morning Shirayuki!" Said the head chef.
" Morning!" I reply. " your just on time!" He said smiling." Yeah, don't want to be late on my first day!" I said. " All of the chefs that work here are always late so it doesn't matter, I'm glad some other than me takes their job seriously! So thank you." He said." Well then you can count on me!" I said smiling." Yes I can." He replied." Okay I want you to make lunch for the prince and his two assistance, sense I see your great friends with them I can trust you with their food." He said." Okay!" I replied. I walk over to the stove and do my thing.

I'm walking past the hall with a chart of food to take to Zen's study room. The head chef gave me directions on were it is. I made my home made turkey soup. Although it toke me two hours and a half to make.
But that's a point of a chef.
I walk to the door and knock." Come in." I here a voice. I open the door and walk in with the chart. I see Kiki and Mitsuhide." Good afternoon!" I say smiling." Good after noon Shiaryuki!" They say. Zen looked up from his work and had a surprised look on his face.
" Surprise." I say." Your a chef!" He said standing up." Yep!" I say smiling."All thanks to Kiki's and Mitsuhide's help!" I say. I started preparing the table with bowls and spoons and napkins on the table. I poured the soup and grabbed the glass cups and pour juice in them." Enjoy the homemade turkey soup I made!" I say. As soon as I said "homemade" Mitsuhides face lit up." And also sense I'm great friends with you guys, I'm in charge of your food!" I say happily. And with that I take the chart and leave. I walked down the hall and head straight for the kitchen. By the time I got back it was lunch time. So I got to take and thirty minute break. I take my lunch that was a beef sandwich and go to the garden thinking that would be the best place to eat. The sounds of the birds chirping felt calming. As I relaxed I felt a pair of eyes in me. I looked around to see three men standing on the other side of the garden. And one of them were staring right at me. It toke me a second to realize who that person was. Prince Raj. First prince of Tanbarun. What the hell is he doing here?! And he was staring right at me. I got up from the bench and walked back to the castle. Why was Prince Raj staring at me? Dose he know I'm from Tanbarun? Nah, he doesn't pay attention to his people cause he's an selfish prince. But yet he's here in Clarines. Why though? It couldn't be he's here to explore the kingdom and make an alliance. As I walked into the hallway and already finches my lunch I over heard some maids whispering about a ball. What ball? Maybe that's why Raj is here. But I thought Raj didn't care. I heard he always turned down invitations for things like this, and it is true! There was a ball in another kingdom and I doing know what it's called. But anyways, the King was invited and he went but Raj declined it and stayed behind. What a stupid prince. I'm glad I'm not in Tanbarun. But now that I think about it what about my dad?! He's probably worried. I forgot all about him! But if I go back now, things might not go so well for me. Especially the kidnapping thing that happened recently. And it might happen again, because if I got kidnapped once I'll get kidnapped again. I walked right into the kitchen. The head chef looked up then gave me a piece of paper and went back to work, while the other chefs were cooking also. I went over to my cooking station and looked at the piece of paper.
To cook for:
• Prince Zen
• Zen's two assistants
• Prince Raj ( a guest)
• And Princess Gigi ( a guest)

I'm counting on you Shirayuki!
You're the only one who will get the work done! thank you!

I got to work on the food as soon as I finished reading it. I'm thinking Chicken for Zen and Kiki Mitsuhide. Mashed potatoes and gravy with steak for Raj, and the princess a nice lasagna!

Thanks for reading my chapter! I made Princess Gigi up Btw. I will make some OC's in this Fanfic for I want to make the story interesting! So like this chapter of you want for I'm going to continue this book till the end!😊

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