Suprise Suprise!

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I woke up to the sun shining through the window." Mmm.... Morning already?" I sat up and looked around the room. No one was there so I got dressed and went down stairs." Hmm... They must not be up yet." I went to the kitchen to make some breakfast for all of us. I decided to make pie this time even though it's not really a breakfast kind of food. I went outside to pick some berries. Theirs a blueberry bush and a raspberry bush beside the house. " Maybe I'll make to pies!" I said and picked the berries and but then in a basket. I do not know which berries they like so I'll make one of the pies blueberry and the other raspberry. After I made the pies and put them in the oven I used the rest of the left over raspberries and made it into to tea. Then I went outside to enjoy the fresh air. It felt good to be outside especially when the wind was blowing against me. I went to lay on the grass and relaxed for a bit. I closed my eyes wishing I could stay like this fir a bit.

After a while I heard footsteps coming to my side but I though it wasn't real.
It came closer and now I was for sure someone was coming. But then u thought it could be Zen or Kiki it Mitsuhide. I stayed there with my eyes closed enjoying the warm sun shine on me. But then I felt a pair if eyes on me but I kept my eyes shut ignoring it. Then I felt a hand brush my hair gently and that's when I opened my eyes and saw Zen right there brushing my hair out if my face. I blushed so hard when I saw him and he just stopped brushing my hair with his hand and moved away a little." S-Sorry I thought you  were asleep!" He blushed as he said that.
" It's o-okay..." I blushed a deeper red.
" Umm b-breakfast is almost d-done" I said. I was so embarrassed that it was hard to talk to him as if nothing weird just happened. When I said that things stopped being awkward and finally came back to normal." I was thinking you would make breakfast again" he looked at me in the eye with a grin. I couldn't help but grin back but with a giggle. We went inside, Zen went to sit in the living room and I brought the raspberry tea I made earlier. Then I went to take the pies I made out of the oven." Mmmm..." The pies smelled really good." Zen!!! What's would you prefer. Blueberries or raspberries?!" I yelled out but not to loud to wake Kiki and Mitsuhide up. " What for!" He yelled back. Right I wanted to make the pies a secret." Just answer the stupid question!" I yelled back." Blueberry then!" He yelled back. Perfect then I'll give him a slice of blueberry pie! I came into the living room with a plate if blueberry pie and one with raspberry pie that was mine." Here you go!" I said cheerfully!" WOW!" He said. " I wanted to surprise you! Hehe!"  I said with a smile. Me and Zen talked a bit. And while we ate Kiki and Mitsuhide came down stairs finally. " What smells good" said Mitsuhide. I asked Kiki and Mitsuhide the same question I asked Zen. I went into the kickten and brought out two plates of pie Kiki wanted raspberry and Mitsuhide blueberry. I guess we girls like raspberry pie and the guys prefer blueberry. While we ate Kiki stated to talk to me about something important. " Shiaryuki...." She began. " we decided sense your kidnapper is still out there and most likely still see hong for you we decided to take you with us back home." She said." But I want to ask you if it's alright?" She finished and waited for my answer."......." Was all I could do. Home! Home! We're is home! I thought to myself. But then again I trust them a lot. So I answered. " I trust you guys a lot so ok. I'll go" I said to all of them." We'll you don't have anything to take with us so were going to go in a few minutes." Said Mitsuhide." Ok" I said.

We were walking through the forest for a while now so it was pretty nice to see sense I've never been to Clarines before. It toke us a while to get to a road were I could see a town from a far distance, like 4 km away from us. When we reached the town it was amazing! There were a lot if people smiling. Back in Tambourin there wasn't much people smiling then here because if the prince always asking for money and so the shop Keepers had to raise the price on things that made people not but so it made people unhappy. I think the princes name is...... Umm...... Raj I think. We'll I bet Clarines has a great royal family here, because of all the smiles! When I look around I see people smiling and waving at Zen." Your  sure famous here" I whisper in his ear and he smiled back at me. But then u started to notice people staring at me. And the I knew it's because of my hair. And I swear I saw a shop keeper fall over is counter by staring at my hair. While I was distracted Kiki and Mitsuhide were whispering to Zen which I never heard what they were saying this time." She dosent know who you are dose she?" Whispered Mitsuhide." Of corse not! She's never been here before remember!" Whispered Zen and smacked Mitsuhide in the back of the head." Oww..." Said Mitsuhide." Serves you right" whispered Kiki. "Hey!!" Said Mitsuhide." What are you guys talking about?" I asked them cause I never heard a single thing what they said except Mitsuhide yelling hey out loud.
"It's nothing Shirayuki said Kiki." Oh ok" was all I said. When we made it through the town we reached a castle.
Why are we here?! I thought. Just then the Castle gates opened and two guards bowed at Zen. Then when the looked up their eyes went wide and one of then even dropped their weapon even. They were staring at me. "A-are you guys okay?" I said to them which snapped them back to reality."A-Ah yes we're are" said one of them." Ok" I said. And Kiki grabbed my hand and led me through the gates. Then we were in a room that looked like it was meant for a ball but there was a throne in it. "Why are we here?! " I said shocked." We'll Shiaryuki." Said Zen. "I am the second prince of Clarines that's why". I stared at him with wide eyes. "W-W-Wha?!" I tried to find my words to speak but i was to shocked to even say a word.
" Surprise Surprise" said Mitsuhide.
And I was so shocked I fainted.

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