I need a knight

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As I look beside me Josh was making sounds of pain but was getting up. I'm so dead! I thought. As he got up I looked up to the night sky. This is it! I'm going to die! And I couldn't say goodbye to anyone, at lest I can say goodbye to the stars. Josh was now standing over me. He had this look on his face as if he just wanted to kill everyone in the world. I couldn't help but scream. I scream as loud as I can hoping, just hoping that someone could hear me. Then Josh was I top of me covering my mouth." You now what!" He said angry." I don't care anymore! You'll tell people about me and you keep escaping from me!" He says yelling." Then I'll guess I'll have to kill you." He says. Grabbing the knife on his belt. He had this angry look but was smirking an evil grin at me. Oh god! He's going to kill me! I close my eyes scared to death. Ready to be stabbed I screamed once more and let it trail off. The I heard a sound of rustling tree sounds and feet running. I felt Josh come off of me one second later and hear a thud. I open one eye still scared to death. Then I open both and turn to were I heard him fall. There on the ground was Josh. Laying there hurt. I see that his head was bleeding like he was hit by something hard his one eye is shut because that's were it was hit. It was bleeding blood as he yelled in pain. I get up and walk backwards. I was to scared to look were i was going and then I tripped over a rock and fell backwards into the lake....

I felt the water surround me like a blanket. I couldn't open my eyes as if they were sewing shut. I felt my body go deeper. I heard nothing but the sounds of water. I golfed my breath for as long as I can. But I couldn't after one minute, at let it out. I open my eyes at that moment. Both of my hands were at my neck. I breathed in water and now I'm struggling. I can't move any of my body. As if my muscles were cemented down. And that's when I couldn't keep my eyes open. So this is how I die? I thought. And my eyes closed fully and everything went black. It's so cold. But that's when a hand grabbed me and pulled me up to the surface. This hand, it's so warm. Like I've known this warmth for a long time. As we reached the surface I couldn't open my eyes. As hard as I tried I couldn't open them. But I gasped for air. Then I felt a pair of arms hold me tight. The hands moved down and under my legs and picked me up princess style. I finally could open my eyes but when I opened them I felt tears coming. There was some water still in my lungs so I coughed turning my head so the water that came out didn't get on the persons shirt. I shivered at the thought of what just happened. When I opened my eyes once more I looked to see who my saviour was. When I looked my heart raced so fast like the whole woods could hear. Zen..... I thought. This person who saved me was the person who I ran from the day before. The person who I yelled that I loved them in front of Josh. Zen. He looked the opposite way from me. He stood in front of me not even looking at me for a second. Right in front of Zen was Josh who was on his feet now holding to a bloody spot were it looks like Zen has hit him when he came to get Josh off of me. Why is Zen even protected in me and saving me? Wasn't I  a complete stranger? he's a Prince for God sakes! But the Josh came running towards Zen. But Zen dodged his attack. Then Zen jumped on Josh hitting him in the head with a rock. I realized I've never seen this side of Zen before. You could see the anger and hatred in his eyes. But that's not all. You could see fire. Fire that burns non stop. It made my heart skip a beat. It made me a bit scared at this version of Zen. Josh yelled in pain and used both hands to cover the spot were Zen hit with the rock. But it wasn't bleeding. Zen then got up, grabbed Josh and through him into the lake.

Kiki and Mitsuhide came in the area as soon as as Zen through Josh into the lake. Mitsuhide ran to wear Josh went into the lake. Kiki came over to me worried. She toke my lag that I hurt badly and ripped my white legging off. Just to show my big bloody cut around my ankle though. Zen was looking at the lake watching Mitushide get Josh and take him back to the castle. I don't Know what there going to do with him but it will be something. Then I felt a sharp pain in my leg and screamed. Kiki poured water on it to clean off the blood to see how big the cut is and how deep it is. Tears are in my eyes from the pain. Kiki toke the ripped up cloth (that was part of my leggings) and dabbed at the wound that made me start to scream in pain more. when I opened my eyes I looked at my legend saw it swollen pretty badly, that will take a long time to heal. But the cut looked worse and i think I'll need stitches. I felt really tired from all that running and screaming and everything that happened today. I just want to rest now. I yawned 6 times in a row and i tried to stop them from coming over and over again. Kiki went to help Mitsuhide cause he only got Josh half way out of the lake cause he keeps struggling to run away. I laid down tired and soon I was half asleep but I was awake a bit. I felt an pair of arms around me and pick me up.( btw princess style) I felt safe now and soon i was in a deep slumber.

But before I drifted I'm not sure but I believe I felt a pair of lips on my head kissing it. Or it's just all in my head.

Thanks guys for reading my book! I'm so so so so sorry for the late updates but I'm stuck with band I play clarinet and school work and sometimes I'm hanging out with friends but I only like do that once a week so yeah. I promise I'll try to get them updated faster thxs!

Yours truly: Sabrina😝

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