Chapter 23

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Feels good to write again.

1 more part then the Epilogue after this.

Warning: Violence a lot of that happens in this part.


Onyx's POV

I had been in this basement for what felt like more than a day and Zane hadn't bothered to make an appearance which I was grateful for. On the other hand, I hadn't seen or heard Cleo at all since they took her which had me worrying for a whole new reason. This situation kept looking more and more grim I couldn't feel Xavier through our link and I couldn't contact Brandon either. Zane was ruining my whole life just because he was an obsessive psychopath. I bit the inside of my cheek and shut the outside world out closing my eyes and thinking of Xavier.

I pictured his tousled black hair and bright green eyes that always looked at me with love. No matter how much i pushed he wouldn't give and now look where we were. Im chained in a basement and god only knew what Zane had done to him. I wanted my mate, I wanted him to be ok, to be here and rescue me, I just wanted my life back. I felt wetness on my cheeks and realized I was crying and sighed forcing myself to shut it off. Kill my emotions because they would not help me here Zane would use them against me.

I opened my eyes and looked at the plain cement walls around me then at the chains connected to the walls my legs were starting to cramp up. He must not have wanted a repeat of last time so he chained me so I was hugging my knees to my chest with my hands in a separate pair of cuffs. I could move them but my hands would still be stuck to the chain connected to the wall. Hold an enraged demon my ass he was keeping us weakened somehow probably wolfsbane I just didn't know how he was doing it.

The door opened and a draft swept in making me stiffen from the cold and the fact that it could be Zane coming back for me this time. I looked and Max walked in with a smirk on his face, blond hair cropped to short to crap and chocolate brown eyes that most women that met him loved. He was just as bad as Zane and twice as stupid.

I glared "Go Fuck yourself!"

His smirk turned into a full on grin and he sat down just out of the way in case I tried to lunge for him. "Now now Onyx, i'm not the bad guy here."

I saw a dangerous light come into his eyes and they ran over my body, that's when I remembered I was in the little slip thing they called lingerie and cringed. "You're helping him keep us here you are one of the worst guys."

He tipped his head to the side and looked at me " You could just give up and be his then all this could stop." he said it like it was the most simple thing in the world

"He is not my mate." I spat to the side feeling bile rise in my throat

He leaned back and shook his head "You technically are his, he choose you in the demon world that binds you."

I looked at him with hate "I am not part of his world, I will never want him."

He sighed and looked at me "Sorry about this" with that he moved to quick to follow and pushed a needle into my neck. Immediately I knew it was wolfs bane from the burn and I groaned not able to move as he stepped back and looked down at me. "It's not lethal just enough so you can't really move." with that he walked to the door and left.

Fuck Fuck FUCK, I thought as I tried to force my body to respond but I couldn't feel anything it was all numb. My eyes felt heavy and I fought to keep them open thinking of Xavier the whole time. I couldn't pass out I couldn't give up, I had to do it for Xavier, for Cleo, Brandon, Mom, everyone at home. I felt tears slip down my face I couldn't let Zane win, anger rose in me, he didn't get to win he didn't get to ruin my life. I pushed but everything felt so heavy as I struggled to keep the fog from clouding my mind.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 21, 2016 ⏰

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