Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

Dedicated to leo_gurl_99 she gave me motivation and the new character in this story is all her creation :) hope you enjoy

Sorry for any mistakes

Onyx’s POV

Today has been hell everyone kept asking me what happened and what was going on why I passed out but I just couldn’t answer them. I wanted this to be all a dream and I’d wake up finding out that I over slept and that Xavier was there to pick me up. But I knew I was awake and that it wasn’t an illusion I was living in my own nightmare.

I got lucky the principle came in and got Zane so I didn’t see him the rest of the day. I wish it would stay like that but sooner or later id have to face my nightmare I just was hoping it would be later. I sat down in Xavier’s car frustrated and tired just wanting to go home.

Xavier got in the car and headed towards the pack house neither of us spoke but you could feel tension in the air around us. As soon as he pulled in the drive way I got out and walked inside hearing murmurs through the pack about what happened to me.

I got up to Xavier’s room and dropped onto the bed burying my face in a pillow and screamed at the top of my lungs into it. I felt the bed tip and I felt Xavier start rubbing soothing circles on my back trying to relax me.

After a little while I calmed down and turned my body so I was facing Xavier he wrapped his arms around me and pulled me against him. I laid my head on his chest while he played with my hair I felt like this was the peaceful moment before all hell breaks loose

“So do you want to tell me what’s going on.” He asked lightly tugging on my hair

He said it like I had no choice but to tell him “I don’t think you’ll take it well”

“Even if I don’t take it well I still need to know.” He said sitting up with me in his arms.

“Well I really don’t know where to begin.”

“From the start would be nice.” He said trying to joke with me and I pushed him lightly.

“Well-“a knock on the door interrupted me and Xavier growled

Dante walked in looking frustrated “There’s a rogue on the land and your fathers away on business.”

Immediately Xavier and I were up and he looked at me with narrowed eyes.

“You’re staying here” he said trying to control me

“The hell I am.” I said getting up and heading down stairs and out the door.  He looked really annoyed but he knew he couldn’t really stop me. We shifted and followed Dante until we came across a female wolf that was all white with a pink stomach.

I noticed there was a bag behind her and her front right paw was shaking like it was hard to put weight on it. Xavier and Dante lowered themselves to the ground and growled she backed up and took a defensive stance. Before they could attack her I jumped in front of her growling at them to back down.

Get out of the way Onyx

No she doesn’t deserve to die look at her she has bags and she injured she probably ran away from her old pack I growled to Xavier in our mind link

Shes a rogue and on our land she could be dangerous

Just trust please Xavier if you expect me to trust you then trust me now

I could tell he was fighting with himself but in the end I knew he’d trust my decision

Ok fine I really hope your right about this

I smiled and went behind a tree shifting back and putting on my clothes I walked out and slowly walked over to her.

“Can you shift back please?” I asked nicely and I saw her eyes shift to Dante and Xavier. I understood right away she didn’t trust them.

I turned to them “guys go I’ve got this I’ll be fine” I saw Xavier debating with himself again but he reluctantly got up and he and Dante left. I turned back around and saw her got behind a tree to shift as soon as they were far enough away she came back out.

She had Long curly pink and black hair with dark brown eyes framed with black glasses. She had bruises and scratches along her body and you could tell her wrist was at the least sprained. How long had she been out here and who the hell did that to her? Were the two questions running through my head.

“I’m Onyx what’s your name?” I asked trying to start off slow

“Cleo Red” she said with confidence in her voice

“What happened to you?”

“My old pack thought it would be fun to mess with me so I took off. I ran for a while ran into some other rogues and got this” she said raising her hand “Im surprised you stood up for me when I could have killed you.”

I smirked even “if you could kill me you would have done it by now.” 

She smirked back “I think we could be friends.”

“So do I but first let’s get your wrist bandaged then talk to the alpha.” I said smiling

So we walked back to the pack house as we walked out of the woods I could see Xavier pacing the front lawn. He looked over and a look of relief crossed his features to see I was ok and unharmed.

I heard Cleo snicker “Mate?” she asked

“Yep my crazy loving mate.” I laughed as I brought her to the pack doctor to fix her hand. I waited outside and Xavier came over to me and kissed me.

“You have no idea how worried I was.”

“You didn’t need to im fine.”

“I can’t help it im always going to worry.”

I rolled my eyes as Cleo came out all bandaged up and I signaled her to follow me. I walked toward the Alphas office and knocked softly. “Come in.”

I walked in and we started explaining everything Cleo told me I saw the same face Xavier makes when he tries to decide what to do.

“Ok she can stay but one foot out of line and you’ll deal with me.” He said giving a light smile.

“Thank you Alpha” she said smiling and we walked out.

“Well now you get to meet some of the people I hang out with.” I took her downstairs where Brandon, Emily, Dante, and Xavier were waiting.

“Cleo this is Brandon my twin his mate Emily Dante and my mate Xavier.” I said gesturing to them. “Everyone this is Cleo.”

So we talked for a little while then everything got quiet.

“Onyx can you tell me now?” Xavier asked interlocking our fingers together

I looked around the room and noticed all eyes were on me Brandon’s were sympathetic while the rest were curious.

I sighed “Well it all started when I first met Zane.”

Im sorry I had to leave the cliff hanger next chapter youll find out what happened between Zane and Onyx so vote and comment :) <3

                                                                                                -Love Sam

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