Chapter 21

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Authors Note Please Read:

Ok Guys i finally have a chapter for you :D i'm sorry it took so long. College and writers block suck :p. Id really like to thank leo_gurl_99 she helped me out with some relaxation tips and once i relaxed it kind of helped the plot fall into place for me. I also want the fans of this story to give me feedback if you can like whose POV you want and if you have any other comments feel free to leave them.

Sorry for any mistakes.

Chapter 21

Xaviers POV

I paced back and forth in the conference room at the pack house wishing i could just use the link Onyx and I shared. Unfortunately about twenty minutes ago that link just disappeared, i can't feel anything that has to do with my mate and it drove me insane. I Looked at the table were my mother and father, Onyx's Mother and Brandon sat trying to figure out where that bastard was keeping her my mate and Cleo.

"Can you think of any certain place that Zane could have taken them to?" My mother asked looking upset and she ran her hand over her stomach. She didn't need the stress she had the babies to think about but she cares about the pack and my mate just as much as i did.

Thier mother side resting her head in her hands for a second, "The only places i could think of are in Chicago where we lived before not here." i saw her eyes start to water.

Brandon growled and put his hand on his mothers shoulder "well find her mom dont worry."

"Would he Have taken them that far?" my father asked leaning forward.

"Anythings possible with him if its something he wants." Brandon said looking over at my father.

I growled and slammed my fist into the wall putting a massive hole into it. "It doesnt matter how far he took them ill find him and ill kill him for what hes done!" I knew i wasn't thinking clearly but i couldn't help it my mate was gone the women i loved and had finally gotten to love and trust me and he took her from me.

"Xavier calm down you being angry wont help anyone you have to stay calm," my father said sternly "You're a soon to be Alpha act like it!"

I felt so helpless right now i was just sitting here doing nothing while my mate was with that creep. I took a couple deep breaths and looked at my father wondering how he could stay so calm, what if it was mom. But he was right if i didn't calm down nothing would get accomplished so i sat down and looked at Kristen Onyx and Brandons mom. "what places in Chicago could he have taken them."

"He has a penthouse in the city a house in the suburbs along with his father owning a dozen warehouses he could be keeping them in." she said looking frustrated.

"Do we know for a fact he'd take them there what if hes still here?" My mom asked.

Brandon sighed "No hes in Chicago he has no connections here he has them there and he doesn't want to be disturbed so he put enough space between us and him."

"Fine then we should go now i'm not waiting any longer for something else to happen." I got up and so did my father.

"Take Dante and Brandon with you there good fighters and Brandon knows the area." i nodded and called to Dante to meet us at the airport as me and Brandon got in the car.

I drove at least twenty over the speed limit trying to save time because we've already wasted so much. After 15 minutes we were finally at the airport and i jumped out knowing the pack would take care of the car and we ran in Dante meeting us halfway.

"Where are we going." he asked as i got to the desk.

"I need three tickets for the next flight to chicago." I looked at the lady behind the desk almost pleadingly.

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