She's Beautiful (Last Chapter)

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Allie's P.O.V

"One more push and she's here. You got it baby." Luke said while squeezing my hand and crying.

"Breath. In through your mouth, you through your mouth. Give this last push all you've got." My mum said.

I'm so glad she made it here in time. She caught the first available flight, and she was on the plane, and here straight from the airport in less than twelve hours. She has been by my side since she gt here almost four hours ago.

I have been in labour for almost 16 fucking hours and it is the worst the pain I have ever felt in my life. I swear I could get hit by a bus and it wouldn't hurt this bad.

I squeezed Luke's hand and pushed with all the energy I have left and that's when I heard the small sound of my baby girl taking her first breath and letting out a cry.

I opened my eyes and saw the doctor laying her on my chest and wiping her down with a towel before picking her back up and handing Luke's a surgical tool to cut away her umbilical chord.

They wrapped her up in a blanket and put a pink hat on her head and handed her back to me.

I held her and stroked her left cheek.

"Oh my god Allie." Luke said with tears all down his face.

"She is so beautiful honey. I couldn't have asked for a more perfect grand-daughter." My mum said and I smiled at her.

"She looks just like you." My nurse said and I smiled at her and looked at Luke who nodded in agreement.

"She is is so much more beautiful than I could have ever imagined her to be." Luke said.

"Here, hold her." I said, lifting her small figure up and placing her in Luke's shaking arms.

Seeing him smile at her and kissing her forehead made me start crying all over again. He looks like he couldn't have a happier moment ever in his life.

"I'm you're daddy. It's so nice to finally meet you sweetheart." Luke whispered and I smiled up at him.

"So, what have you decided to name her?" My mum asked me.


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