Chapter 1

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     Meredy stood before the large imposing doors of the Fairy Tail Guild Hall. She was a little nervous about her mission. Thinking back on her planning, this should be the most opportune time to get her target. Gray, Juvia and Erza are all on a mission, they should not be around to interfere with her plan since they are most familiar with her magic. Based on her surveillance this should be the time of evening when most of the members are gone. If her calculations are correct, then there is a high probability that her target is here. She enters the brightly lit guild hall and notices a hand full of people around. Seated in the back corner table are Cana, Macao and Wakaba. They were all too drunk and engrossed in conversation to even notice her coming in, which is most ideal. At the bar Mira is preparing a tray of drinks and there sitting just off to her side is Natsu.
     Meredy walks up and happily greets Natsu and Mira. "Hello Mira... Natsu, it's so nice to see you! How are you guys?"

     Natsu glances up from his heaping plate of buffalo wings "Hey there..." he has a very puzzled look on his face and then it's like a light turns on "I remember you now, Crime Sorciere right? Meredith?" Natsu goes to nudge happy but notices that he is curled up on the stool sleeping.
     Mira giggles from behind the bar "Her name is Meredy silly!" shifting her attention "It it's good to see you! What brings you here this evening?"
     As Meredy sits on the stool next to Natsu "I am just passing through Magnolia and thought I would stop in to see how everyone's doing and to grab a bite to eat of course.... Actually, those wing look delicious can I get those and a pint please?"
     "Sure!" Mira chirped, "Natsu do you need anything else? Maybe an ale to wash those wings down?"

     "That would be awesome Mira" as Natsu turns to Meredy and wipes his mouth "Passing through eh? Anything fun?"
     "Nothing exciting I'm afraid, just a reconnaissance mission. Where is Lucy this evening? I was hoping to catch up with her too." Meredy is very pleased that her calculations were correct, he was here alone.
     Natsu let out a miffy little huff as he looked down at his wings. "She is back at her place writing. We were just kicked out for 'disturbing her peace', whatever that means!"
     Mira sets 2 pints of ale down and then Meredy's plate. "I don't suppose you mind if I join you then?"
     "The more the merrier I always say" Natsu gave Meredy his 1000 watt smile.

     The bar at Fairy Tail was teeming with laughter as Natsu recounted his most recent adventure with Lucy to Mira and Meredy. Natsu's happy go lucky attitude may or may not have had to do with the 3 empty glasses of ale in front of him. How Happy could sleep with all Natsu's boisterousness is a wonder to anyone.
     Mira seized this bright opportunity to bring up her favorite topic when it comes to the partners of Fairy Tail, "So Natsu, let me ask you - why do you spend so much time with Lucy when you guys are not on jobs?"
     Natsu laughs off the question "Because what else would I do when I am not eating, sleeping or fighting?"
     Mira gets a sly look in her eye and she knew she had him cornered now "But don't you get tired of spending all your time with Lucy?"
     He straightens up and without missing a beat "Hell no, she is my best friend, Happy and I love annoying piss out of her to no end."
     Meredy decides it is time to advance her mission "Why would you want to spend your spare time annoying your best friend? Doesn't that make her angry at you?"
     Natsu's eyes glinted with a bit of the devil "She is just too cute when she gets flustered and angry, I love it." Mira chimes in quickly "So you think Lucy is cute?"
     Natsu suddenly realizes the predicament he has got himself into, if Happy were actually awake he would be totally screwed. His face starts to feel a little flushed realizing that he was starting to blush a little. "Look, everyone thinks Lucy is cute, not like I am saying anything new there." He sure as hell hopes this answer is satisfactory enough to drop the subject before it gets out of control.
     Meredy seizes her moment and begins to silently conjure her magic needed to finish her mission and with a devilish smirk toward Mira "So then tell me Natsu, are you in love with anyone?" She examines his face and while his answer was explosive "Alright you she-devils this is enough, I am not in loooove with anyone!" Natsu's subconscious mind betrays his words however and the image briefly flashes in his mind. Meredy whispers under her breath "gotcha!" as she silently finishes the spell casting.
     Natsu glances over at Meredy "Huh? Whaddya say?" but before she could respond Mira giggles "OK OK Natsu calm down, we won't grill you anymore."
     Now that her task is complete, Meredy decides take off before anyone gets suspicous "I'm sorry Natsu, I didn't mean to pry. I think it's time for me to be on my way. I had a great evening." Turning to Mira "Thanks for the wings, they were great and please, stay in touch." Natsu and Mira both thanked her stopping in and wished her well as she walked out the double doors of the guild.
     Natsu also decided it was time to turn in, he thanked Mira and poked Happy on the chair next time him. "Yo Happy get up, we're going home now" Happy opens one eye "Aye Sir, just 5 more-" and Natsu looks down to see is asleep again. He decides to pick up Happy and carry him home instead of trying to disturb the sleeping blue cat any more.
     Walking down the wooded path to their cottage he realized that his wrist was a little itchy, he squeezed the cuff on his left arm and rotated it slightly to satisfy the itch. 

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