Words I Never Said Count: 271

180 5 1

  I found a love letter I wrote you, a love letter I wrote you from what seems like forever ago and as I read the words written in messy pink ink dozens of memories came flouding back. your cheesy contagious smile that shines through your blue eyes. the first time you held me in your arms. showing you idiotic science jokes I found hilarious. the hours and hours of time we wasted on the phone calls that I cherished for so long. the pictures I refused to delete until the day I woke up and my phone crashed (that day I almost cried because I lost the reminder of you). the days my body was hyper and I was laughing and yelling and how you didnt question me you merely made me laugh harder. how youd go on and on about that video game you loved. the fucking feeling I felt when you held me for the first time and it felt like the world stopped. you held me like I was glass and you were gonna break me. the days we wasted playing games on your phone and the days I spent focusing on you instead of my science teacher. the at the time cruel sarcasm you sent me that made me irritated but now I miss it. I found a love letter I wrote you forever ago from when we were best friends and I fell for you. I found a love letter I never sent you and the memories I had vanquished came flouding back. or maybe they never left, maybe I just buried them so far back...  

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