Chapter 6

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Lilly's POV
Ike, Bubba, Woala and Wurtle were playing their show, I was in front of Sky, his arm wrapped around me. After a billion songs, I was bored and sleepy, I looked at Sky, he said" only a little longer, they've only played 3 songs." I huffed and looked at Sky, He said" what's wrong?" I shrugged and sat down, leaning against his legs, soon Bubba said" okay! So we still have 2 more songs but I wanna introduce you guys to my little sister!" I looked at him, my mouth open, Sky  said" go on." I walked out onto stage, and scurried behind Woala, woala laughed, he said" hi!" I looked up at him, he nodded to Bubba, giving me a smile. I nudged his back, he said" okay, I'll be your shield." He started walking and I stayed on his heels. He said" now stopping at Vic station, only stop." I giggled and hid behind Bubba, Bubba said" this is Lilly! Mine and Mike's little sister! She's 7." The crowd roared, I stayed behind Bubba, peeking from his side, he said" come on out, Lilly." He took off his guitar and he lifted me into his arms, he said" say hi." I said" hi." Ike said" awww! She's blushing." I looked at Bubba, he nodded at Ike. Ike walked next to us, I stuck out my tongue. Ike said" she's an adorable little girl. And the only girl that likes Vic!" Bubba said" Mike is a jerk. I think I hate him." Bubba put me down, and I ran to Sky, he laughed and held me in his arms.

Once Bubba, Ike, Woala and Wurtle came off stage, I ran to them and collided with Ike. He laughed saying" what's up, little Lilly?" I pouted up at him, I said" Sky took teddy and hid him!" Ike said" Oliver Sykes! Give Mr. Teddy back to Little Lilly!"

Mike's POV
Oli came over and looked at us, he said" what?" I said" give the teddy bear back." He said" okay." He walked over to a little cupboard and pulled out the teddy bear, Lilly snatched it from his hands and walked over to Tony, scooting onto his lap, while holding the teddy bear. Tony said" hey, Lilly." She said" hi, Wurtle."

We're back on the bus and it's about 2 in the morning. Lilly is in Vic's bunk asleep, I heard Lilly whimper, I got up and ran to her. I walked to the bunk and bent down next to it, Lilly was shaking and tossing around, breathing heavily. I wrapped an arm
around her and pulled her out of the bunk, holding her against my chest. She muttered" Ike.." I said" yeah, it's Ike. I'm right here." She whimpered and squirmed in my arms, I let go of her and she sat in front of me. She pulled her knees up and her head went between her knees and chest. I said" baby, look at me, baby, lift up your head and breathe, just like me. In. Out. In. Out." She lifted her head and started breathing, I said" good, great job, baby." I knew she had a nightmare, she'll tell me if she wants, I'm not going to even force her to tell me anything she doesn't want to. I rubbed the side of her face and kissed her head, she said" I don' wanna go back to sleep." I said" why?" She said" 'cause it was scary." I nodded, I said" wanna tell me about it?" She sniffled and nodded, I wiped her tears away, and she said" I was there again, daddy was hitting me. Mommy was laughing. A-and they w-wouldn't s-stop, t-then I-I saw y-you and bubba. D-daddy made me b-bleed then everything froze." I hugged her tightly, luckily I had woken her up before it got any further, but I could guess what would have happened next. She looked up at me and whimpered, I said" shh, shh, it's okay." I lifted her up and stood up, then I carried her back to the lounge and sat down, Vic said" why is she up?" I shook my head, Lilly snuggled into my chest, her head tucked into my neck, she stared off into space. Vic looked at me, I said" hey, Lilly, how about we watch a movie?" She nodded, mindlessly, Tony turned on a movie and it was Tangled, Lilly moved slightly so she could see the screen and then watched the movie. About 30 minutes into the movie, thanks to her head being at my chest and she was wrapped in a blanket, she fell back to sleep. I whispered" she had a nightmare. If I didn't wake her, she would've seen herself die." Vic said" we need to help her. We just need to figure out what's happening." I whispered" she'll open it. She has opened up, remember the last time she saw Tony and Jaime?"

We were at the park, Vic, Lilly and I, we were visiting Lilly for the first time in 5 months. She was clinging to us like crazy now, we haven't seen her in a long time, we had just gotten back from our tour across the ocean and she was very happy to know we didn't die from being attacked by evil baboons or eaten by tigers like the tiger from jungle book. We were also introducing her to our bandmates, she had met them before but she was younger and she probably doesn't remember anything of them. She was playing on the swings, while Vic and I watched her from the benches, she wanted to "fly" by herself so we let her. We've always gone along with her little mind, playing along with her as she grows. We heard Jaime says" Fuentes!" Vic and I laughed turning to see Jaime and Tony, Tony shaking his head at the crazy Precaido. They walked to us and sat down next to us, Lilly saw them and tilted her head. Vic said" baby! Come'er!" She walked slowly to us, being very cautious. I stretched out my hand, once she got close enough to grab it, she held onto my hand. Vic said" this is Tony Turtle and Jaime Precaido, our band mates. Guys, this is crazy little Lilly, our possessed little sister." He begged for that one, she jumped onto his lap, and held onto his neck, forcing him into a python hug. She was completely not looking in Tony's and Jaime's direction. I said" Say hi, Lilly." We had already told them that she was a pretty shy kid, so they knew this was probably gonna happen. Lilly kept her face in Vic's neck but turned her face in their direction. She said" hi." Jaime said" hi, I'm Jaime, or Koala, wanna know a secret about your brothers?" She perked up, I looked at Jaime, flicking him off since I was behind Vic now. Jaime said" so... Mike and Vic we're swimming in a hotel pool, Tony and I decided to pull a little prank on them." He made his signature smile, causing Lilly to giggle, he said" they weren't paying attention, Tony jumped into the pool next to them, while I swam under the water and scared them half to death. And we got this crazy pic." They showed her the pic of us and she busted in giggled, holding onto Vic as Vic and I blushed, god I hate Jaime!

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