Chapter 3: A New Prospective

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After about a month after Kyle had broke up with Emma , Emma and Jordan have been becoming greater and greater friends until Jordan asked Matt and Emma to join Jordan, Cierra, Bethany and Issac. Emma wore a pastel blue dress with flowers that went around the dress in a line down to her knees, she let her blonde hair go down a little past her shoulders and put on some white boots. She walked down the stairs and smiled as she saw Matt in a nice tux but still with messy hair. Course' 😆😆. "Wow... you look great sis" Matt says smiling at me "hehe you say it like you haven't seen me In a dress or your pretending it's like prom" Em says and he laughs then the doorbell rang "I'll get it" Matt says and Emma walked into the kitchen grabbing a glass of water. "Em guess who's here~" Matt said smiling at the kitchen entrance "SANTA?!" Em says putting her hands to her cheeks "nope, it's Jordan" Matt says making a doorway for Jordan and the rest. Jordan wore and tux as well as well as Issac, Bethany wore a cute red dress with sparkles on it and Cierra wore a short black dress with a denim white jacket. "Wow... Em you look..... beautiful" Jordan says smiling and blushing a little "why thank you and you all look amazing yourselves" Em says smiling. Jordan grabs Em hand and leads her down the hallway towards their car. Matt did the same but Cierra took him to the car.

Once they got seats they ordered their drinks Em asked "so, why are we all going out to eat tonight?" Jordan looks at her pretending to be shocked "it's the 4 year anniversary of VenturianTale" Jordan reminds her and she let her jaw drop "right! Oh gosh I forgot!" Em says and they all laughed "its fine the guys always forget it" Cierra whispers to her making Em laugh a little. When they got their drinks they ordered a pizza and once that came they started to talk about something unexpected "so.... who here has a boyfriend or a girlfriend" Jordan says like it's a secret "I have a boyfriend" Bethany says and everyone looks shocked at her then she smiles and shows an anime boy on her phone "and here he is.... from Death Note" Bethany states and we all laugh "well I'm single" Issac says putting his head  down but when Matt pats on his back Issac shrugs and goes back to his funny self "I actually have a girlfriend" Matt says glancing at Cierra "really!" Em says overly excited "who!?" Matt looked at Cierra and she blushed while she put a part of her hair behind her ear "omg! Congrats!" Em says hugging Cierra "heh thanks E" Cierra says hugging back. Matt takes a picture of Emma hugging Cierra and post it to Instagram saying "My sis and my girl are BFF's now 😂😂" the rest saw this and they laughed. Emma and Cierra let go of each other and everybody else going back to eating their pizzas 🍕

After that they all went to the park Matt and Cierra ran to the slides, Jordan and Emma went to the swings and Bethany and Issac ran around the playground. "So, this is the 4 year anniversary of Venturiantale huh?" Em asks looking up at the stars while sitting on a swing "yeah, it's actually hard to believe" Jordan says while he starts swinging back and forth on the swing "...." Jordan stops and looks over at a pond looking forward. Em looked over at the pond and saw an orange area with her, Matt and her mom back when she was little. Little Emma through a pebble and I skipped on top of the water and little Matt tackling little Emma pushing her into the pond but she dragged him in with her. Then she snapped back to reality and she felt a tear go down her cheek "mom...." she thinks and more tears fell down her face then she saw Jordan wipe her eyes with his soft hand "Em... you ok?" Jordan asks and Em shakes her head "what's wrong?" Jordan asks worried "I- it's my mom...." Emma says looking over towards the pond "she.... gone" Emma said and she started to cry into her hands. Jordan stood her up and she started crying in his chest, he stroked her hair gently making shushing noises to make her calm down and soon she did. "What happened to her... if you don't mind me asking" Jordan says hugging her "she.... she got into a fight with a random man that almost kidnapped me and Matt when we were young, the guy shot her and I just remember going up to her and she told me and Matt to run as fast as we could to dad and to stay strong.... her last words were "I love you too.... so.... much" then she died" Emma explained crying once again into Jordan's chest. Jordan nods and hugs her tightly "everything's fine.... I bet she watches over you two everyday" Jordan says "yeah... she really does" Em said to him. After Emma stopped crying and they settled down they laid facing the stars stare gazing. It was quite until Jordan rolled towards her and she did the same "Em.... I have something to say...." Jordan says and Emma perks up a little and he laughs "I really like you Em... now it doesn't mean we're together I'm just saying so you know" Jordan says hesitantly "Jordan.... I really like you too if we're being honest" Emma says and they smile at each other "well that's sorta a relief" Jordan says and Em laughs "yup, it really is" she says and then she gets up and goes to the swings, sits down and swings back and forth. Jordan smiles and he join her laughing and competing who can go the highest. Once they got off they went to go look for the others but they weren't there.... "Wait... What?"

Boom! I actually didn't think I could pull it off but I completed three chapters in a day! Yas! I feel complete right now so... next goal is to finish at least one of meh books! yay.... but I'm actually surprised that I got a vote on this book already so thank you to ZerrinDatEmoGirl_ for being da first one to vote on this book so really thank you! But I will see you all in the next chapter! BAIIIIIIIII 😘😘😘😘😘😘

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