Chapter 2: The New Life

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Next Monday Emma got up and got ready, today she was meeting up with Kyle. She felt proud of herself for keeping it a secret from Matt but it was hard. Em left a note on the fridge and went to her car but before she started her car she got a text. A text from Jordan (or Venturian):

E= Emma J= Jordan C= Cierra (Immortal) B= Bethany (BethanyFrye) I= Issac (HomelessGoomba)

J- Hey Em! I hope you don't mind I added my siblings to a group chat!
E- Oh! No it's totally fine I don't mind plus I'd love to text your siblings 😋
J- heh, K! Thanks! I just thought they can join since there my family
E- Oh! Speaking about siblings I should add my brother
J- Great! More guys on the chat 😂😂
E- Yeah, Were tied

M= Matt

J- cool
E- yeah I bet he'll speak soon
M- Em?
E- Hey Matt 😊😊
M- I hope you don't mind me asking but is that the Jordan you told me about?
J- wow, I'm so popular
E- hehe yeah!
M- ok just making sure 😁
C- what?
C- Jordan is this a trick?
J- no Cierra it's a group chat
C- well no derp but who's Em and Matt?
J- you know Em and Matt is her brother
C- oh, ok 👌🏼
I- I'm here
B- Me Too!
J- oh cool everyone's on!
E- actually I have to go I'm meeting up with a friend
J- oh ☹️
E- sorry
J- no it's fine I'll be on later to text u
E- ok! Thanks Jordan! Oh, and nice to meet you guys!
C- you too E
E- hehe thanks C
C- yeah!

Emma put her phone down and drove downtown to the café. "Kyle I'm here" Emma says as she finds Kyle in the crowd of people. They sat down and he grabbed her hands "listen Em.... I..... We have to breakup" he says with a sorry face Emma stood still "wh- what?" She said on the edge of tears "we need to breakup" he repeats and Em takes her hands away and slaps him "what? Why!" Em says "Em I'm sorry it not you it's me I just... I just met someone else" "YOU CHEATER" Em yells and she runs out of the  café and crystal deleting all the photos of her and him from her phone making her cry harder. She took a picture of herself in tears and posted it on Snapchat with a caption that said "Kyle Matter just broke up with me and now I'm a wreck" Matt say this and he texted her immediately but on the wrong chat.....

M- WHAT!? Emma are you ok?
J- What's going on? Did something happen?
J- it's ok... I wanna know what happened
C- what?
B- Em are you ok?
I- ....
M- We could all meet up at our place Jordan, Cierra, Issac and Bethany I'll send u the address
J- ok

Em drove home quickly and burst through the door crying. Jordan and the rest were there and once Em dropped to her knees Matt and Jordan picked her up and took her to her room. Em's room was a maroon colored room with a white dresser, a maroon bed, a little work area and a tall lamp in the corner. Jordan and Matt placed her on the bed and Matt gave her her favorite stuffed fox. Em started squeezing the life out of the fox and she cried hard into it "Matt can you get some tissues?" Jordan says and Matt left the room "Cierra, Issac and Bethany can you give us some time" Jordan asked and they nodded leaving the room leaving Jordan and Em alone. Jordan sat on the side of the bed and rubbed her back "Em... What happened?" Jordan said softly and Em explained everything through sniffles and cries "wow.... sounds like he was a real loser" Jordan says "a- and I r- really l- liked h- him" Em said through cries "well I guess he was just a big billy" Jordan said and Em turned towards him "w- What?" Jordan smiled and rubbed her arm "he was a billy he was stupid for leaving you" Em smiled a little seeing it was a VenturianTale joke "I wonder how you know so much...." Em says and Jordan stroked her cheek "well, you can say that this Jordan is.... Aka Venturian" Jordan says and Em springs up "Really!?" Jordan nods and she falls backwards "omg my dreams have come true!" Em said and she got back up smiling. Jordan hugs her and she hugs him back "well I guess your all better" Em sniffles "yeah" Em places a smile on her face and they hugged for a real long time. After a while they let go and Em squeezed her fox again and she smiled "thanks Jordan... I really needed it" Em says and Jordan nods smiling.

Em turned onto her back and she pulled out her phone "Venturian wanna watch some VenturianTale with me?" Em says and Jordan lays next to her and nods. They watch the new Five Nights At Freddy's Sister Location and Em was about to break Jordan's arm but he didn't seem to mind as much "you know I need to play more of that game right?" Jordan says smiling and Em slowly nods but then shook her head making Jordan laugh. "Today turned out great after all"

CHAPTER 2 IS OUT FINALLY!!! I wonder if you guys would want some lemons in this story.... ok yes I know it's gross but I know there are those kinda people out there but leave it in the next chapter cause well..... just not YET okie! So one or two more chapters! Yeah! Plus the song up top makes me cry and I have no idea why I do it 😜😜😜

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