Prologue: 2

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After skating, Anne took me and- Harry and I to McDonald's. Anne and I laughed about Harry's clumsiness as he sulked and pouted.

"You're so mean to me.", Harry says as we take a sit in a booth.

Anne had went to order our food while we picked the seats.

"I love you.", I tell him.

He smiles, dimples prominent in his cheeks and eyes crinkling. I can't help but smile back.

"I love you, too.", he says.

"I love food.", Anne says, sitting next to Harry.

We eat our burgers while talking about how Harry would take me all over the world when he was big and famous. You see, Harry wants to be an actor while I want to be an author. Theater is Harry's muse while journalism is mine.

"I've always wanted to go to New York.", Anne admits.

"Bahamas.", I say.

"Africa. I'd love to see all the animals and different cultures there.", Harry says, looking off into space. "With you, of course, Gale."

I smile and grab his hand over the table. Intertwining our fingers. Anne smiles at our hands before going back to eating.

After we finish out unhealthy dinner, we decide to go to a park. We walk there and Anne sits on a bench while Harry and I walk to the swings, hand-in-hand.

I sit down and Harry gently pushes me. We stay in the comfortable silence for a while, just taking in the setting sun and cool air.

"Harry.", I say.

"Yeah, love?"

"Will we, like, not be friends anymore?"

Harry abruptly stops my swing. "Why would you ask that?"

He doesn't sound angry, just confused. I tilt my head down but Harry places a cold finger under my chin, lifting my head up so I meet his worried green eyes.

"What's on your mind, love?", he gently asks.

"You're leaving me.", I whisper, tears building up behind my eyes.

"No, I'm not, Gale.", Harry shakes his head.

I frown and stand up, facing him. Harry was like half a foot taller than me so I had to crane my neck up to look into his face.

"You are! You are leaving me. You're moving to bloody America for chrissakes!", I exclaim.

"Don't swear, it's not nice.", Harry frowns, sitting down on the swing and bringing me closer to him by my sides.

"Gale, I'm not leaving you. I'll always be here with you. In here," He taps my head. "and here." He places a hand over my heart.

As cheesy (and a total Lion King) as a moment it was, it made my heart swell. Harry smiles and shrugs his shoulders.

"Plus, there's this thing called the Internet now, love.", he jokes.

I smile at his dorky ways but, it disappears as I hug Harry fiercely, hot tears pouring down my face.

I would missed this curly haired boy who made me smile, laugh, and comforted me when I cried. Who brought me sweets after his shift at the bakery he worked at. Who put up with the judgement and subtle racist comments from Drake for me. Who protected me from harm at school and made me feel loved when nobody did.

I'd miss my best friend.

"Come on, Gale. You're freezing.", Harry whispers, pulling away.

He takes my hand in his larger one and leads me over to Anne, who is standing, waiting for us.

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