Chapter 5 - Meeting Zen and the Group

Start from the beginning

"No no no no no no! Don't leave me! You can't leave me..... Aaahh! I'll live! I'll live and take revenge! I'll save Father and Mother too! Definitely!" I carefully placed Miss Nani's head onto the ground and placed a kiss on her bloody forehead with tears falling onto her pale face. I limped over to Izana as he placed me onto his back carefully.

"Kiroyuki..." I nodded my head soullessly into his shoulder blades."We're gonna try and save your parents, okay?"

"..." Tears spilled from my eyes as I looked back before we turned out from this hallway. More tears streamed down when I saw Miss Nani's body laid there motionlessly with blood and cuts consuming her. I buried my head into Izana's back and sobbed silently.

'... Miss Nani...'

"Greetings princess... I'll be your tutor and aide from now on! Please address me as Miss Nani!"

"You're a silly princess, but you're pretty strong too. That's what makes you an unique princess!"

"Wow! You're really talented princess! Let's take a break!"

"Well done princess, you've improved quite fast. Your aim is splendid along with your form."

"Princess Kiroyuki... As your aide... Please... This is my final wish... Please live and survive... I love you..."

I couldn't stop recalling such lovely memories with Miss Nani! Yet all of that would only be a memory that would no longer expand in my life... But she died by protecting me... But I'll survive for Miss Nani... That's all I can do for now...

"Kiroyuki!" My eyes shot up from behind Izana's back as my eyes widened from more fear...

Blood... Two bodies... And a killer with a sword drenched in blood...

"Ah lovely to see you Princess Kiroyuki~! Do you like this gift I surprised you with? Hmmm~? No worries! Now Prince Izana, if you could hand me the princess... I won't kill you!"

'Why?! Why do they want me?! I'm the reason why everyones dead! Father, Mother, and Miss Nani! Even Izana...'

"I can't hand her over! I know why you are after Kiroyuki, so I can't allow such to happen!"

'What can I even offer? Why am I the cause of this tragedy?!'

"That's too bad then~! I'll just have to kill you!" I was dropped off from Izana's back as they clashed swords, sparks flying. The opened balcony doors allowed the cold to rush a harsh wind to blow against my face. Snow piled at the door and blew over towards my parent's bodies, dying the snow a color of deep red.

For the first time ever, I felt cold and helpless. Izana struck down his sword and cut the mysterious man on his right shoulder, leaving a deep cut of blood oozing through his shirt. I squirmed in discomfort of the color and sight.

"Crap! That really hurts you know, but... You're interfering too much your highness!" He kicked Izana in the stomach and made him fly across the room.

"No! Why?! Why?!" The man stared into my soul with terrifying gold eyes that peeked through his mask. His dark black hair flowed in the howling and chilly wind.

"I'm gonna take you with me so please be a dear and sleep tight~!"

'No... I won't let him!'

"No!" I let out a growl, an iron sword appearing in my right hand. I didn't think of anything and slashed through the man's steel armor. Blood oozed out from the deep cut and he staggered back from the sudden attack.

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